Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar — Maurice Leblanc

Lupin, Gentleman Burglar -- Maurice LeblancThis is a book that i used for typing practice over at TypeLit.

It’s rather an enjoyable way to read a book, while at the same time being incredibly useful in improving ones typing.

This book is quite a good find.   The mysterious Arsene Lupin is the ultimate rascal as he goes about relieving the rich and famous of France of their valuables: a joy to read about.

As to the typing experience, it’s a rather difficult book to type as it is full of French words and names, but a fun challenge and great typing practice.   So i present it to you totally recommended, both as a great read and also great typing practice: what’s not to like?

Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar -- Maurice Leblanc typing practice results

Maurice’s Page

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1984 — George Orwell

1984 -- George OrwellThis is a book that i used for typing practice over at TypeLit.

It’s rather an enjoyable way to read a book, while at the same time being incredibly useful in improving ones typing.

Quite a good read, but so dystopian, and the ending wasn’t what i was hoping for.   It does remind me of just how lucky i am to live in a country where we have the freedoms that we do, and how important it is to ensure those freedoms aren’t eroded by anyone.   It is up to all of us to ensure that those freedoms are exercised sensibly, with consideration of other sentient beings and, ultimately, that the boundaries of those freedoms are continuously tested and where possible, extended.

So well worth a read or a type for everyone.

Not the easiest of books to type as it has sooooo many capitalised words, uncommon words, and also words that just don’t exist outside of this book: which while adding up to great typing practice, can be really frustrating at times.

1984 -- George Orwell typing practice results

George’s Page

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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde — Robert Louis Stevenson

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -- Robert Louis StevensonThis is a book that i used for typing practice over at TypeLit.

It’s rather an enjoyable way to read a book, while at the same time being incredibly useful in improving ones typing.

And this book is a really good book to read as well as type.   One of the absolute classics, but, sadly, one that most people have never read.

Well worth a read or a type for everyone.

Anyways, i typed this shortly after i built my 5t4n5-48 Rev 1, which was quite some time ago now, but it’s never too late to get things posted.

And here’s how i managed back then . . .

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde typing results.

I’ll get around to adding some more as i complete them, but for now, this is a good measure of where i was at back in April.

Robert’s Page

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PCB: 5t4n5-48 Rev 1

I just decided that i’d start posting my pcb designs whenever i make something.

A while ago i published the build pics for my new keyboard, Click here . . ., but didn’t post the pcb design screen grab.   So here it is . . .

The two switch boards are fully reversible as it saves on manufacturing costs only having one pcb to make for both sides instead of two different ones for each side.

That’s what sits behind this . . .

I think the pcb screenshots look really nice and will be posting more soon.

Bye for now.

#5t4n5 #pcbporn #mechanicalkeyboards #5t4n548 #keebs

5t4n5-48 Rev 1 (Rhubarb and Custard)

As the more perceptive of my (potential) 8 billion + readers will remember, a while ago i designed and built my very own fully custom bespoke keyboard, the 5t4n5-48.

While i was more than happy at my first attempt at designing and making my own keyboard, there were a few things that i wasn’t quite happy with and felt needed improving upon.   So i set about the first revision, the 5t4n5-48 Rev 1 (Rhubarb and Custard).

My first task was to improve my CAD skills and design all the acrylic panels i would need cutting in .dxf format in LibreCAD.   And i also needed to learn to design pcb’s in Kicad.

And this is what i came up with . . .

The Perspex is 3mm thick “Lemon Bonbon” and “Raspberry Sherbet”, and the cutting was done by Lasercutz.   Lasercutz is a delightful company to work with if you’re looking for any laser cutting to be done, i totally recommend them.

The pcb’s were manufactured by PCBWay, which are also a great company if you’re wanting a small batch of prototype pcb’s making without spending a small fortune.

So with all my bits manufactured and delivered, i set about with the assembly.

First thing was to insert four M2 x 3mm brass heat-set inserts into the bottom plate.   It was important to use 3mm long inserts in the 3mm Perspex so that they didn’t protrude on the upper side as the pcb’s will be directly above these four inserts with bolts going through holes in the pcb’s, and you don’t want brass inserts shorting out anything on the pcb’s.

The other holes have M2 x 5mm inserts put into them . . .

. . . but these are done with the centre plate in place so that the inserts stick the two plates together and align them perfectly to each other . . .

Then add some plastic washers to add a bit of support behind the pcb’s when it all gets bolted together . . .

Once that was done it was soldering the surface-mount diodes and the jumper leads onto the pcb’s . . .

And then solder the jumper leads onto the controller pcb . . .

Now some of you may be wondering why i didn’t just have one complete pcb made instead of using three seperate pieces: which is a totally valid wondering.   Well, it’s because the minimum pcb’s you can order is 5 and i didn’t want to spend over £70 for one prototype keyboard, so i created a reversable pcb (that works on both sides) for the switches and had 5 of those made, plus 5 of the small controller pcb’s, which was much cheaper.   I therefore have enough left to make one more keyboard at some point in the future (plus a spare if i need to replace one at some point), and maybe once i sort out the QMK thing i might get some full pcb’s made to offer them for sale if there’s any interest — so let me know if you are interested.

Next up was to countersink the 2mm holes in the upper plate which i did with a dremel using a Double Cut Tungsten Steel Rotary Burr bit that i got in a set off Amazon.

Then push all the Kailh Choc Pro Pink switches (which i bought from Mechboards) through the front plate . . .

And solder them all into the pcb . . .

The controller is socketed in using mill-max pins and machine-pin sockets (also from Mechboards) — i forgot to take pics of that bit, sorry.

And then all that is left is to bolt it all together and put in the keycaps (which i bought from . . .

And then figure out how to program it.   Which will be the topic of another post because this one has gone on for far too long already.

Until then . . .

Bye for now!!!

#5t4n5 #colemakdh #mechanicalkeyboards #5t4n548 #keebs

5t4n5-48 Keyboard Typing Progress 49.82 WPM

On day 6 of my 5t4n5-48 adventure i managed to nearly hit 50 wpm . . .

5t4n5-48 Keyboard Typing Progress 49.82 WPM

. . . that’s well past my final Lily58 speed.

And 100% accuracy as well.  

This was after i O-ring modded it with two 2.5mm O-rings per keycap.   This sounds like a little overkill, but these are Akko Crystal Silver switches which have a very short activation point, and XDA keycaps which are quite deep.   Basically, if you want to get the speed out of these switches you need to O-ring each keycap well enough that they just activate reliably and then you want them to return as quick as possible.   The other way you can think of it is that every split second that the switch is depressed past its reliable activation point adds up over all the years of typing you will do in your life, ergo, every moment past that reliable activation point is a total waste of your life.

I’ll update next when i improve a bit more.

Bye for now!!!

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I Designed and Built My Very Own Custom Keyboard

Unveiling the 5t4n5-48 . . .

5t4n5-48 Keyboard

I had a few issues with the Lily58 that i didn’t quite get on with.   I made the row stagger more pronounced to match my finger length, which really does allow my fingers to relax more.   And i added the extra thumb buttons because i wanted dedicated Delete and Enter keys.

Sadly it lowered my speed a little, but that’s only temporary, and as i can relax more on this keyboard i’m sure that it will ultimately give better speed in the end.

5t4n5-48 Keyboard Typing Progress 38.65 WPM

There are a few niggles that i’m going to iron out in the Rev-2, but for now i’m really pleased with the improvement over the Lily58.

I’ll keep y’all up to date with my progress.

Bye for now!!!

#5t4n5 #colemakdh #mechanicalkeyboards #monkeytype #5t4n548 #keebs