I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).
So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.
So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.
I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.
On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.
Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.
Mirror Image — Isaac Asimov
This is in the collections, The Complete Robot and Robot Visions.
Daneel is passing near Earth when the spaceship he is on has a legal issue with two passengers, so he stops in at Elijah’s office to get some help resolving the situation.
Admittedly, you already know which mathematician is lying long before the big reveal, but you read it anyway just coz you want to see how Elijah comes to the same conclusion.
All in all, a nice little novella to bridge the gap between The Naked Sun and The Robots of Dawn.
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
The Naked Sun — Isaac Asimov
Plainclothesman Elijah Baley is called to Washington, where he’s told he’s being reassigned, reassigned to a murder investigation on a Spacer world known as Solaria.
The Spacers have asked for Elijah because Solaria, having no crime ever and therefore no police force, have no idea how to go about investigating a murder.
As he arrives on Solaria he is informed that his partner will be waiting for him, which turns out to be R. Daneel Olivaw. And so our dynamic duo are thrown once again into searching for clues to solve the mystery.
Once again, there’s two really good aspects to this story, one being the murder investigation and the other being our exploration of Solarian society.
I have to admit, that being a devoted introvert i much prefer this society to the one in The Caves of Steel. I think i could quite enjoy living on my own massive chunk of planet with countless robots to fulfil my every need.
Another page turner that just seemed to fly by.
Next up is Mirror Image.
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
The Caves of Steel — Isaac Asimov
We pick up many years after our last story. The Spacers have forced an embassy on Earth, Spacetown, and an uneasy truce is in place until, one morning, someone murders a Spacer Ambassador.
And so one of New York’s finest, Plainclothesman Elijah Baley, is assigned to the case. And then he finds out that his partner will be a Spacer Robot, R. Daneel Olivaw.
As the assignment progresses we are introduced to a dystopian New York of the future, which is just one of countless mega cities around the planet.
So there’s two really good things about this story, one is the dystopian future city life that we get to learn about and explore with our protagonists, and then there’s the assignment itself and the race against time to hand over the murderer to the all powerful Spacers.
Super enjoyable, a real page turner.
Next up is The Naked Sun.
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
Mother Earth — Isaac Asimov
It’s in the collection, The Early Asimov. Don’t spend a lot of money on it because you should be able to find a copy of this novella on it’s own around the internet somewhere.
After all the robot stories, we skip forward many years until humans have colonised lots of far flung systems.
Earth is overcrowded and under resourced so many people are wanting to go to the new frontiers, but the frontier has banned all immigration and won’t accept any more people from Earth.
But someone on Earth has a plan, the
Another good story.
Next up is The Caves of Steel
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
The Positronic Man — Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg
This is a full length novel version of The Bicentennial Man.
As i had already read The Bicentennial Man i chose to skip this for now and get on with reading the rest of the books. I can always come back to it later if i feel so inclined.
Next book in the series is Mother Earth.
Isaac’s Page Robert’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov #robertsilverberg
Kid Brother — Isaac Asimov
You can find this in Gold.
A single child family gets a sibling child-robot to hopefully tame down their unruly human child.
And things take an unexpected turn.
A good little story exploring the differences between feelings towards a real human child and a robot child, especially when one considers the behaviour of both towards their mother.
Next up is The Positronic Man.
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
Cal — Isaac Asimov
You can find this in Gold.
An author has a robot that expresses a desire to become a writer. So the author gets several upgrades done to the robot in order for it to write stories.
With a good little twist at the end.
Next book is Kid Brother.
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
Too Bad — Isaac Asimov
You can find this in Robot Visions.
A bit far fetched, with Isaac rewriting the Fantastic Voyage but using a robot to cure cancer instead.
Does the cure work?
Can it be done again?
Or is it all just
Read it and find out.
Moving on, next up it’s Cal.
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
Robot Dreams — Isaac Asimov
You can find this in Robot Dreams.
This is a throw back story with Susan Calvin back at work. Not sure where it’s supposed to fit in the general timeline of things though, so i’ll just leave it where it is.
A robot is having strange dreams and Susan is called in to consider what to do about it.
Another good little story.
And the next story will be Too Bad.
Isaac’s Page
#scifi #isaacasimov
Robot Visions — Isaac Asimov
You can find this in Robot Visions.
A not too intelligent robot is sent into the future to see if time travel is possible, and it is instructed to report back what it finds: if it actually gets back.
So, spoiler, it does get back and tells the humans about it’s visions of the future.
You’ll have to read the story if you want to know more. It’s good though.
Next up is Robot Dreams.