Aliette de Bodard

Aliette de BodardBefore embarking upon your Universe of Xuya quest, i would suggest that you visit “The Universe of Xuya” web page and bring yourself up to date with the time line and how things evolved in this alternative history.

“InterGalactic Interview With Aliette de Bodard”

The Xuya series takes a bit of work collecting all the different stories that are scattered around many different sources, but, it’s certainly well worth the effort — a really good series.   If you click the links below and go to the book’s page you’ll find the source i chose for each one.

The Universe of Xuya

The Jaguar House, in Shadow – 2010
Fleeing Tezcatlipoca – 2010
The Lost Xuyan Bride – 2007
Butterfly, Falling at Dawn – 2009
Starsong – 2012
The Shipmaker – 2010
Ship’s Brother – 2012
Shipbirth – 2011
Two Sisters in Exile – 2012
Three Cups of Grief, by Starlight – 2014
In Blue Lily’s Wake – 2015
Crossing the Midday Gate – 2016
A Salvaging of Ghosts – 2016
Pearl – 2016
The Dragon that Flew out of the Sun – 2017
The Citadel of Weeping Pearls – 1015
Scattered Along the River of Heaven – 2012
Immersion – 2012
On a Red Station, Drifting – 2012
The Days of the War, as Red as Blood, as Dark as Bile – 2014
The Weight of a Blessing – 2013
Memorials – 2014
The Waiting Stars – 2013
A Slow Unfurling of Truth – 2014
The Frost on Jade Buds – 2014
A Hundred and Seventy Storms – 2016
The Tea Master and the Detective – 2018
Seven of Infinities – 2020
Rescue Party – 2019
The Breath of War – 2014
The Red Scholar’s Wake – 2022
A Fire Born of Exile – 2023
A Game of Three Generals – 2017
First Presentation – 2017


The Church of Accelerated Redemption – 2010 with Gareth L. Powell
Losses We Bear – 2017
In the Vanishers’ Palace – 2018
The Scholar of the Bamboo Flute – 2020
Fireheart Tiger – 2021
The Long Tail,” in Wired, The Future of Work, November 30, 2020
The Inaccessibility of Heaven,” Uncanny Magazine, July/August 2020
In the Lands of the Spill – 2020
Among the Water Buffaloes, a Tiger’s Steps,” in Mechanical Animals, ed. Selena Chambers and Jason Heller, Hex Publishers, November 2018
A Burning Sword For Her Cradle,” in Echoes: the Saga Book of Ghost Stories, ed. Ellen Datlow, Fall 2018
The Counting of Vermillion Beads,” in A Thousand Beginnings and Endings, ed. Ellen Oh and Elsie Chapman, Greenwillow Books, June 2018
At the Crossroads of Shadow and Bone,” in Children of a Different Sky, ed. Alma Alexander, Kos Books, November 17, 2017
In Everlasting Wisdom,” in Infinity Wars, ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, September 2017
Cicada Song, in a Country Since Long Gone,” in The Death of All Things, ed. Zombies Need Brains, September 1, 2017
Lullaby for a Lost World,”, June 8, 2016
Prayers of Forges and Furnaces,” Mammoth Book of Steampunk, Running Press, 2012. Reprinted in Lightspeed, issue 52, September 2014
The Moon Over Red Seas,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 2014
The Dust Queen,” in Reach for Infinity, ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris Books, June 2014
The Angel at the Heart of the Rain,” Interzone 246, May/June 2013
Heaven Under Earth,” Electric Velocipede, issue 24, August 2012
The Numbers Quartet, co-written with Nancy Fulda, Stephen Gaskell, and Benjamin Rosenbaum, Daily Science Fiction, 2012
The Heartless Light of Stars
The Princess of the Perfume River
Worlds like a Hundred Thousand Pearls
Exodus Tides”, InterGalactic Medicine Show, issue 22, April 2011
Blessing the Earth”, Tales of Moreauvia, 2011
As the Wheel Turns,” GUD Magazine, issue 6, September 2010. Reprinted in Epic, Tachyon, 2012. Reprinted in Lightspeed, November 2012.
Age of Miracles, Age of Wonders,” Interzone, issue 230, September 2010
Father’s Last Ride,” The Immersion Book of Science Fiction, September 2010
Father’s Flesh, Mother’s Blood,” Dark Futures, September 2010
Silenced Songs,” Music for Another World, August 2010
Memories in Bronze, Feathers and Blood,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, issue 45, June 2010
Desaparecidos”, Realms of Fantasy, June 2010 issue
The Wind-Blown Man,” Asimov’s, February 2010. Reprinted in International Speculative Fiction Annual Anthology, 2012
Melanie,” Realms of Fantasy, February 2010. Reprinted on The World SF Blog, October 2010
By Bargain and by Blood,” Hub Magazine, issue 108, January 2010
The Church of Accelerated Redemption” (with Gareth L. Powell), Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic SF, Spring 2010
Eye of the Destroyer,” Blood and Devotion, Spring 2010
In the Age of Iron and Ashes,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, issue 33, December 2009
After the Fire”, Apex Magazine, November 2009
On Horizon’s Shores”, Intergalactic Medicine Show, issue 14, September 2009. Reprinted in Intergalactic Medicine Show: Big Book of SF Novelettes (Intergalactic Medicine Show Big Books) Volume 1.
Golden Lilies,” Fantasy Magazine, August 2009
Blighted Heart,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, issue 22, July 2009.[45]
Healing Hands,” Fantastical Visions IV, July 2009
Memories of my Sister,” Expanded Horizons, issue 7, May 2009
Ys”, Interzone, issue 222, May 2009. Reprinted in The Alchemy Press Book of Ancient Wonders, 2012.
Dancing for the Monsoon”, Abyss & Apex, issue 30, April 2009
The Lonely Heart,” Black Static, issue 9, February 2009. Reprinted in Eight Against Reality, Panverse Publishing, June 2010. Reprinted in Lightspeed, January 2015.
City of the Gods,” Alternative Coordinates, issue 1, Spring 2009
Murder in Laochan,” New Ceres Nights, Spring 2009
The Dragon’s Tears,” Electric Velocipede, issues 15/16, Autumn 2008
Dragon Feasts”, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue 35, June 2008
Horus Ascending”, Intergalactic Medicine Show, issue 8, April 2008
Within the City of the Swan”, Shimmer Magazine, Art Issue, February 2008
The Dancer’s Gift”, Fictitious Force, issue 5, Spring 2008
At the Gates of White Marble,” Leading Edge Magazine, issue 54, December 2007
Autumn’s Country”, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue 30, August 2007
Sea Child,” Coyote Wild Magazine, Autumn 2007
Deer Flight”, Interzone, issue 211, Summer 2007
The Naming at the Pool,” Reflection’s Edge, May 2007
Weepers and Ragers,” Abyss & Apex, 2nd Quarter 2007
Calling the Unicorn,” Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue 27, 2007
Through the Obsidian Gates,” Shimmer Magazine, Autumn 2006 issue
For a Daughter,” Haruah, May 2006 issue
Kindred Spirits,” Deep Magic, May 2006 issue
Citadel of Cobras,” The Sword Review, May 2006 issue
The Triad’s Gift,” Deep Magic, February 2006 issue
A Warrior’s Death,” Shimmer Magazine, Spring 2006 issue

Dominion of the Fallen

The House of Shattered Wings – 2015
The House of Binding Thorns – 2017
The House of Sundering Flames – 2019

Dragons and Blades (spinoff from Dominion of the Fallen universe)

Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders, Jabberwocky, January 6, 2020
Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances, Jabberwocky, June 28, 2022

Obsidian and Blood

Obsidian Shards – 2007   •• ••   in Writers of the Future XXIII, September 2007
Beneath the Mask – 2009   •• ••   in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, issue 8, January 2009
Safe, Child, Safe – 2009   •• ••   in Talebones, issue 39, Winter 2009
Servant of the Underworld – 2010
Harbinger of the Storm – 2011
Master of the House of Darts – 2011


Of Wars, and Memories, and Starlight
Scattered Among Strange Worlds, Nine Dragons River, 2012

Dominion of the Fallen series

This section is arranged in the order the author suggests you read the stories:

Court of Birth, Court of Strength,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Tenth Anniversary Issue, October 2018.[31]
Children of Thorns, Children of Water,” Uncanny Magazine, July/August 2017.[32] Finalist for 2018 Hugo Award for Best Novelette[33] and 2018 Locus Award for Best Novelette.[34]
The House, in Winter,” in the UK mass market paperback of The House of Shattered Wings, 2016
Against the Encroaching Darkness,” Grimdark Magazine, issue 5, October 2015
Of Books, and Earth, and Courtship,” Nine Dragon Rivers ebook, September 2015
In Morningstar’s Shadow,” August 2015:
The Face of Heaven
Paid Debts
What Has To Be Done
The Death of Aiguillon,” A Fantasy Medley 3, 2015

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