Weimar Republic

Weimar Republic
It seems like a rather interesting place in time and space and history and…

…one day i may even get around to reading some.

The Spider's Web, written by Joseph Roth.
Zipper and His Father, written by Joseph Roth.
Berlin Alexanderplatz, written by Alfred Döblin.
Gilgi, One of Us, written by Irmgard Keun.
A Small Circus, written by Hans Fallada.
Why Do You Wear a Cheap Watch? written by Hans Fallada.
Little Man, What Now? written by Hans Fallada.
Once a Jailbird, written by Hans Fallada.
The Artificial Silk Girl, written by Irmgard Keun.
Going to the Dogs, written by Erich Kästner.
Mr Norris Changes Trains, written by Christopher Isherwood.
Goodbye To Berlin, written by Christopher Isherwood.
Walking in Berlin, written by Franz Hessel.
Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider, written by Peter Gay.
Berlin in Lights, written by Harry Graf Kessler.
When Money Dies, written by Adam Fergusson.
Berlin Cabaret, written by Peter Jelavich.
Weimar Surfaces, written by Janet Ward.
Hot Girls of Weimar Berlin, written by Barbara Ulrich.
Gender and Sexuality in Weimar Modernity, written by Richard W McCormick.
German Novelists of the Weimar Republic, written by Karl Leydecker.
Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy, written by Eric D Weitz.
Bauhaus: 1919-1933, written by Michael Siebenbrodt & Lutz Schobe.
Voluptuous Panic, written by Mel Gordon.
Sex and the Weimar Republic, written by Laurie Marhoefer.

“Weimar Republic: by Date Published”