P. Djèlí Clark

P. Djèlí Clark


Shattering the Spear – 2010
The Machine – 2010
Skin Magic – 2011
Wings for Icarus – 2011
Fantasy Pick – 2012
What the Sea Wants – 2012
Ghost Marriage – 2013
With a Golden Risha – 2015
The Things My Mother Left Me – 2016
The Mouser of Peter the Great – 2016 •• Hidden Youth
Redemption for Adanna – 2016 •• Myriad Lands: Volume 2
A Tale of Woe – 2018
The Black God’s Drums – 2018
The Paladin of Golota – 2018
The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington – 2019
Ring Shout – 2020
If the Martians Have Magic – 2021

How to Raise a Kraken in Your Bathtub – 2023

Dead Djinn Universe – 2016-2021

A Dead Djinn in Cairo – 2016
The Angel of Khan el-Khalili – 2017
The Haunting of Tram Car 015 – 2019
A Master of Djinn – 2021

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