Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley.Aldous was easily one of the most amazing minds of the 20th century, and i read quite a few of his novels in that century: they were like real books and everything, all paper and stuff.   It was ever so antiquated, ever so quaint, you young ‘uns probably won’t believe it.

So i decided that in the 21st century i would go back and collect all thing Aldous Huxley for my Kindle and read all his work in published order — hopefully before i die!

And who knows, i may even make the 22nd century.   It’s a lot of reading to do.

Sadly i’m not able to find a few of Aldous’ books in ebook format, so i’ll just be skipping them for now and hoping that one day some nice soul will convert them to ebooks for us all to enjoy.

1916 The Burning Wheel
1917 Jonah
1918 The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems
1920 Leda
1920 Limbo
1921 Crome Yellow
1922 Mortal Coils
1923 On the Margin
1923 Antic Hay
1924 Little Mexican (US title: Young Archimedes)
1925 Along The Road
1925 Selected Poems
1925 Those Barren Leaves
1926 Essays New and Old
1926 Jesting Pilate
1926 Two or Three Graces
1927 Proper Studies
1928 Point Counter Point
1929 Do What You Will
1929 Arabia Infelix and Other Poems
1930 Vulgarity in Literature
1930 Brief Candles
1931 Music at Night
1931 The Cicadas and Other Poems
1932 Texts and Pretexts
1932 Brave New World
1934 Beyond the Mexique Bay
1936 The Olive Tree and other essays
1936 Pacifism and Philosophy
1936 Eyeless in Gaza
1937 Ends and Means
1938 They Still Draw Pictures
1939 After Many a Summer
1940 Words and their Meanings
1941 Grey Eminence
1942 The Art of Seeing
1944 Time Must Have a Stop
1944 Collected Short Stories
1945 The Perennial Philosophy
1946 Science, Liberty and Peace
1948 Ape and Essence
1950 Themes and Variations
1953 The Devils of Loudun
1954 The Doors of Perception
1955 The Genius and the Goddess
1956 Heaven and Hell
1956 Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (UK title: Adonis and the Alphabet)
1958 Collected Essays
1958 Brave New World Revisited
1960 On Art and Artists
1962 The Politics of Ecology
1962 Island
1963 Literature and Science
1967 The Crows of Pearblossom
1971 Collected Poems
1977 Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience 1931–63
1977 The Human Situation: Lectures at Santa Barbara, 1959
1997 Jacob’s Hands: A Fable (co-written with Christopher Isherwood; discovered 1997)
2007 Selected Letters


The Divine Within
Delphi Complete Works of Aldous Huxley


Huxley in Hollywood

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