Isaac Asimov

Isaac AsimovRobots and Foundation is so incredibly relevant today with our growing relationship with machine intelligence.

Below is the complete reading list for the whole of Isaac Asimov’s Robot Series followed by all the Foundation stories as well.   Definitely read all the robot stories before reading the Foundation stories.

Robots and Foundation

Written by Isaac Asimov

A Boy’s Best Friend
Point of View
True Love
Robot AL-76 Goes Astray
Victory Unintentional
Stranger in Paradise
Light Verse
Let’s Get Together
Mirror Image
The Tercentenary Incident
First Law

Written by Mickey Zucker Reichert

To Protect
To Obey
To Preserve

Written by Isaac Asimov

Runaround (I, Robot) (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
Reason (I, Robot) (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
Catch That Rabbit (I, Robot) (The Complete Robot)
Liar! (I, Robot)(The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
Satisfaction Guaranteed (The Complete Robot)
Lenny (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
Galley Slave (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
Little Lost Robot (I, Robot) (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions) (Robot Dreams)
Risk (The Complete Robot)
Escape! (I, Robot) (The Complete Robot)
Evidence (I, Robot) (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
The Evitable Conflict (I, Robot) (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
Feminine Intuition (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
. . . That Thou Art Mindful of Him (The Complete Robot)
The Bicentennial Man (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
Robot Visions (Robot Visions)
Robot Dreams (Robot Dreams)
Too Bad (Robot Visions)
Christmas Without Rodney (Robot Visions)
Cal (Gold)
Kid Brother (Gold)
The Positronic Man
Mother Earth
The Caves of Steel
The Naked Sun
Mirror Image (The Complete Robot) (Robot Visions)
The Robots of Dawn
Robots and Empire
The Currents of Space
The Stars, Like Dust
Pebble in the Sky
Prelude to Foundation
Forward the Foundation
Foundation and Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation’s Edge
Foundation and Earth

Written by Gregory Benford

Foundations Fear

Written by Greg Bear

Foundation and Chaos

Written by David Brin

Foundations Triumph

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