
goodreadsgoodreads is another great website for all you Kindleworms out there.

It’s was bought by Amazon and as such synchs up wonderfully with your Kindle so you can easily view all your book notes in one place and other such handy things.

Once you have an account on goodreads you can go to the “About This Book” function on your Kindle and if the book is listed on goodreads you’ll find a goodreads section there for you to mark your book as currently reading.   Then when you get to the end of the book a screen will open up asking you to rate the book and then you’ll be sent an email asking you if you’d like to leave a review.

It’s also a really good place to check out any books you’re not too sure about before buying as people do tend to leave some good reviews, from the very basic to the really deep stuff, about the books they’ve read.

It’s like a social media site for total bookworms.   You can connect with other readers and writers like you can on most social media sites and keep up to date with lots of things in the literary universe.

Whether you use a Kindle or Amazon or neither, you may find it useful, or you may not.   But it deserved a mention and it’s always there if you’d like to try it sometime.