Chasing Shadows — Anthology

Chasing Shadows -- AnthologyAll copyright 2017 except stated.


Mine, Yours, Ours — Jack Skillingstead
Insistence of Vision – 2013 — David Brin
Planetbound — Nancy Fulda
The Right’s Tough – 2004 — Robert J. Sawyer
The Circuit Riders – 1962 — R. C. Fitzpatrick
The Werewolves of Maplewood — James Morrow
The Road to Oceania – 2003 — William Gibson


I See You – 1976 — Damon Knight
Eyejacked — David Walton
FeastWar — Vylar Kaftan
Your Lying Eyes — Jack McDevitt
The Disaster Stack — Vernor Vinge


First Presentation — Aliette de Bodard
AfterShift Memories — David Ramirez
Spew – 1994 — Neal Stephenson
Private Life in Cyberspace — John Perry Barlow


Elderjoy — Gregory Benford
Street Life in the Emerald City — Brenda Cooper
The Eyes Have It — Stephen W. Potts


Preferences — Cat Rambo
Vectors — Stephen Gaskell
Public Domain — Scott Sigler
To See the Invisible Man – 1963Robert Silverberg
The Disconnected — Ramez Naam


Eminence — Karl Schroeder
Sport – 2014 — Kathleen Ann Goonan
Elephant on Table — Bruce Sterling

#scifi #davidbrin #robertjsawyer #jamesmorrow #williamgibson #vernorvinge #aliettedebodard #nealstephenson #gregorybenford #robertsilverberg #brucesterling

Extrasolar — Anthology

Extrasolar -- AnthologyAll copyright 2017 except stated.


Holdfast — Alastair Reynolds
Shadows of Eternity — Gregory Benford
A Game of Three Generals — Aliette de Bodard
The Bartered Planet — Paul Di Filippo
Come Home — Terry Dowling
The Residue of Fire — Robert Reed
Thunderstone — Matthew Hughes
Journey to the Anomaly — Ian Watson
Canoe — Nancy Kress
The Planet Woman By M.V. Crawford — Lavie Tidhar
Arcturean Nocturne — Jack McDevitt
Life Signs — Paul McAuley
The Fall of the House of Kepler — Ian R. MacLeod
The Tale of the Alcubierre Horse — Kathleen Ann Goonan

#scifi #alastairreynolds #gregorybenford #aliettedebodard #ianwatson

Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar — Maurice Leblanc

Lupin, Gentleman Burglar -- Maurice LeblancThis is a book that i used for typing practice over at TypeLit.

It’s rather an enjoyable way to read a book, while at the same time being incredibly useful in improving ones typing.

This book is quite a good find.   The mysterious Arsene Lupin is the ultimate rascal as he goes about relieving the rich and famous of France of their valuables: a joy to read about.

As to the typing experience, it’s a rather difficult book to type as it is full of French words and names, but a fun challenge and great typing practice.   So i present it to you totally recommended, both as a great read and also great typing practice: what’s not to like?

Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar -- Maurice Leblanc typing practice results

Maurice’s Page

#5t4n5 #colemakdh #mechanicalkeyboards #typelit #5t4n548 #keebs #viclit #mauriceleblanc

PCB: 5t4n5-Macropad-18-3 Rev 1

Some more pcb porn.   This time it’s for my new macropad that i’ve just started building.

Because i wanted the whole thing as low profile as i can get it, i had to make separate pcb’s for the switches and the rotary encoders, as i wanted the rotary encoders to sit down inside the board as low as possible . . .

They’re both double sided so i can build the macropads left or right handed by simply turning the boards over.   You have to order a minimum of five boards so i’m going to have 4 sets left over so it seemed silly to make them all one sided.

The build pics will be coming whenever i get it finished.

Bye for now.

#5t4n5 #pcbporn #mechanicalkeyboards #macropads #5t4n5macropad183 #keebs