The Pile

The First Pile
So this(these) is(are) my virtual to read pile(s).   All the books that i have the full series of, or are single entities, that are ready to be read.

Sideshow -- Sheri S. Tepper
System Collapse -- Martha Wells
Proposal for a Book to Be Adapted Into a Movie Starring Dwayne The Rock Johnson -- Robin Sloan
Julie Rubicon -- Robin Sloan
The Conspiracy Museum -- Robin Sloan
Elyse Flayme and the Final Flood -- Robin Sloan
Harriet Amber in the Conan Arcade -- Robin Sloan
Author's Note-- Robin Sloan
The Suitcase Clone -- Robin Sloan
Once a Monster -- Robert Dinsdale
The Canadian Miracle -- Cory Doctorow
The Lost Cause -- Cory Doctorow
Saevus Corax Deals with the Dead -- K. J. Parker
Saevus Corax Captures the Castle -- K. J. Parker
Saevus Corax Gets Away With Murder -- K. J. Parker
The Vital Abyss -- James S. A. Corey
Gods of Risk -- James S. A. Corey
Abaddon's Gate -- James S. A. Corey
Cibola Burn -- James S. A. Corey
Nemesis Games -- James S. A. Corey
Babylon's Ashes -- James S. A. Corey
Strange Dogs -- James S. A. Corey
Persepolis Rising -- James S. A. Corey
Auberon -- James S. A. Corey
Tiamat's Wrath -- James S. A. Corey
Leviathan Falls -- James S. A. Corey
The Sins of Our Fathers -- James S. A. Corey