
Hello & Welcome
ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


Contaminant Six — Joseph R. Lallo

Contaminant Six -- Joseph R. LalloAnd we’re back with the Wind Breaker crew for another episode of fuggy shenanigans.

Captain Mack is busy beginning his retirement plans when life decides to have other plans.   So it’s off back to the fug for yet another crazy adventure with another crazy nemesis to foil their plans.   Super good writing once again from Joseph.

If you liked the TV show Firefly and you haven’t given the Free-Wrench series a try, then please do.   It’s basically a steampunk version of the show.

Next up i’m off to read Upgrade by Blake Crouch, which i’m very much looking forward to.   Another fantastic writer that everyone should give a bit of their reading time to.

Bye for now.

Joseph’s Page

#steampunk #josephrlallo

LOOK – Geo City Grip Bicycle Pedals

If you’re looking for some nice, really nice, bicycle pedals, then maybe have a look at these ones from Look.   They’re really good.

The platform is 100mm wide by 105mm long, which is a really big flat area.   I’ve never seen any pedals this big before.

Great for bare foot riding, or riding with nice shoes on that you don’t want the soles to get torn up.   Nice and grippy without the spikey bits of normal pedals due to the Vibram rubber grippy surface.   You can buy replacement surface pads in lots of different colours if you wear them out.

All round good pedals if you’re wanting something super comfortable the doesn’t destroy your shoes or feet and gives loads of support from the extra large surface area.

Not sponsored or anything like that, i just bought them because i like riding barefoot and i couldn’t be happier.   Worth every penny.

Check their website if you want more information.

#5t4n5 #bicycles #cycling #bikes #gettingfitter #roads #transport #fitness #health #lookcycle #reviews

The Wrong Plane — Robin Sloan

The Wrong Plane -- Robin SloanA short little tale from Robin to keep us going while we eagerly await Robin’s next full length novel.

What happens when you find yourself on the wrong plane?   How, exactly, do you end up on the wrong plane in the first place.   And what, exactly, is this wrong plane about and where’s it going?

A fun adventure for those who worry their little butts off about flying: great airport reading while you have half an hour to kill before a flight.

Bye for now.

Robin’s Page


Death’s Door — Alastair Reynolds

Death's Door -- Alastair ReynoldsAvailable in Belladonna Nights and Other Stories.

What happens when we finally become virtually immortal and we’ve done everything we wanted to do and we’ve gotten completely bored with life?   Play Russian roulette with portal doors, setting them for a 1 in 1000 random chance of them killing you when you use them.   And when you really get fed up you dial it up to a 1 in 10 chance of them killing you.

But maybe you have friends who don’t want you to die quite so soon, friends that want you to give life another chance.

Good story.

Next up from Alastair will be the Revenger Trilogy, beginning with Revenger.   But first i’m going to have to read a few other books from other writers.   Back with Alastair soon.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds

Providence — Alastair Reynolds

Providence -- Alastair ReynoldsAvailable in Belladonna Nights and Other Stories.

A really good sleeper ship story.   The drive’s blown and there’s no way of slowing the ship down when it reaches its destination planet, they’re just going to sail right on past.

But then one of the crew has a great idea to find some purpose to the whole trip.   Except things just don’t turn out like they hoped they would have.

Next up from Alastair is Death’s Door.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds

Different Seas — Alastair Reynolds

Different Seas -- Alastair ReynoldsAvailable in Belladonna Nights and Other Stories and The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Vol 4.

Another of Alastairs proxy body stories.   This time a caretaker is stranded on an automated sailing ship and needs help.   It comes in the form of a proxy robot, and the caretaker isn’t too taken with it’s driver’s attitude.

But, more is soon revealed as we go through the story and attitudes change.

A really good little story.   And maybe a good reminder to all of us not to judge people on their first impressions, sometimes you can be very wrong.

Next up from Alastair in Providence.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds

Remainers — Alastair Reynolds

Remainers -- Alastair ReynoldsAvailable in Tales from the Edge: Escalation.

A little story that Alastair wrote for the Maelstom’s Edge Universe.

You don’t need to know anything about the Universe other than a maelstrom of energy is travelling up the spiral arm of the galaxy wiping out everything in its path.   Systems are being evacuated and there’s lots of different factions with different views as to how to deal with things.

This story covers a journey back to one of the evacuated planets.

Rather good.

Next up from Alastair is Visiting Hours.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds



With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


The Art of Peace -- Morihei Ueshiba Back to the Zen.


More Zen.