The Proof House — K. J. Parker

The Proof House -- K. J. ParkerThe trilogy comes to an end, and what an end it was.

It’s been a long journey with all kinds of shenanigans and twists and turns along the way, and i was never really aware of where the story was going and how it was ultimately going to conclude — which is a good thing.   So i won’t spoil it for anyone by giving away the ending.

Anyway, in the last book, we left off with all our favourite characters scattering to the four winds, and in this book we soon find them again getting up to their usual shenanigans.   Bardas has found himself another war with lots of killing, death and mayhem to get involved in, which, as usual is the centre piece of the story as it drags everyone else in.   So there’s plenty of great story telling to keep you rolling along until the end.

For me, this has been a great trilogy that i totally recommend if you enjoy good historical war fighting stuff with a nice dose of magical interference thrown in to stir things up and cause a fair bit of chaos.

K. J.’s Page

#fantasy #kjparker

The Belly of the Bow — K. J. Parker

The Belly of the Bow -- K. J. ParkerThe second book in The Fencer Trilogy.

All our favourite, and not so favourite characters have survived the downfall of Perimadeia and fate, or maybe someone tampering with The Principle, has brought them all back together again for another round of shenanigans, squabbles, battles, and all out war.

All good stuff.

And now it’s on to the third and last book in the trilogy, The Proof House.

K. J.’s Page

#fantasy #kjparker