Finding My Elegy — Ursula K. Le Guin

Wild Fortune Selected Poems, 1960-2005

From Wild Angels – 1960-1975

A Lament for Rheged
Ars Lunga
Tao Song

From Hard Words – 1975-1980

The Mind Is Still
The Marrow
The Writer to the Dancer

From the Dancing at Tillai

At Three Rivers, April ’80
Slick Rock Creek, September
Winter Downs
The Child on the Shore

From Wild Oats and Fireweed (1980-1987)

Wild Oats and Fireweed

From in the Red Zone: Mount St. Helens, October 1981

To Walk In Here
While the Old Men Make Ready to Kill
For the New House
The Maenads
A Meditation on a Marriage

From Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences(1987)

The Crown of Laurel

From Going Out With Peacocks (1988-1994)

The Pacific Slope
Riding the “Coast Starlight”
Sleeping with Cats
Waking: Two Poems
The Vigil for Ben Linder
The Queen of Spain, Grown Old and Mad, Writes to the Daughter She Imagines She Had by Christopher Columbus
Song for a Daughter
The Hard Dancing

From No Boats (Chapbook, 1991)

From “McKenzie Voices”
At Cannon Beach

From Blue Moon Over Thurman Street (1993)

The Aching Air

From Sixty Odd (1994-1999)

Read at the Award Dinner, May 1996
Hexagram 45
When there aren’t any
For Gabriela Mistral
Hexagram 49
“The scarcity of rhinos” on the television

Field Burning Debated, Salmon Fate Discussed.

Morning Service
Late Dusk
A Blue Moon: June 30
Repulse Monkey
“Will the Circle Be Unbroken?”

From Incredible Good Fortune (2000-2006)

Incredible Good Fortune
April in San Jose
Mount Rainier from Amtrak
The Cactus Wren
A Book of Songs
The Old Lady
The Forsaken Shepherdess
Notes from a Cruise
Antigua: The Silence of the Mountain
Talk Shows
Here, There, at the Marsh
American Wars
The Lost Explorer
Dance Song
Taking Courage
A Request
For Naomi
Learning Latin in Old Age

Life Sciences New Poems, 2006-2010

I. Socioesthetics

Pretty Things
In England in the Fifties
The City of the Plain
Watching the Fractal Set
The Mistake
The Next War
The Crest
The Curse of the Prophetess
Every Land
The Elders at the Falls
An Old Yurok Basket
Almost and Always
Lieder Singer
After the Fire
Lorca’s Duende
Exegi monumentum aere perennius
She Remembers the Famous Poets

II. Botany and Zoology

Two Crow Poems
Learning the Name
The Greater Forest
Red Alders in March
Pinus Sabiniana
Creation of the Horse
The Clydesdale Mare
I think of them
At the Clackamas County Fair

III. Meteorology and Geography

Mendenhall Glacier
A Measure of Desolation
Coast Range Highway, November
Seasonal Quatrains
Morning in Joseph, Oregon
Hour of the Changes
Summer Morning on the Volcano
For My Traveling Companion
Up the Columbia
Navna: The River-running, by Intrumo of Sinshan
At Kishamish

IV. Developmental Ontology

At the Center
Early Memory: Jocken
The Merchant of Words
The House Is Soft
Seven Lines to Elisabeth
Final Destination
Ghazal at the Oasis of Mara
Low Barometer
My Birthday Present
The Arts of Old Age
Sometimes it seems
The Body of the World
When They Came
Body of Water

V. Philosophy and Theology

Finding My Elegy
The Whirlwind
Some Mornings
In the Borderlands
Jewel and Gravel
Tout rêve . . .
Morning Star
A God I Know
January Night Prayer
The Conference
Index of First Lines

Ursula’s Page

#poetry #ursulakleguin

Complete Works of Jonathan Swift — Jonathan Swift

The Satires

A Tale of a Tub
The Battle of the Books
The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers
The Swearer’s Bank
Gulliver’s Travels – 1726
Gulliver’s Travels – 1735
A Modest Proposal
An Examination of Certain Abuses
A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation
Directions to Servants
Minor Satires

The Sermons

Three Sermons
Brotherly Love and Other Sermons

Other Religious Works

List of Religious Works

The Political Works

Drapier’s Letters
List of Political Works

The Historical Works

The History of the Four Last Years of the Queen
An Abstract of the History of England
Remarks on the Characters of the Court of Queen Anne
Remarks on Lord Clarendon’s “History of the Rebellion”
Remarks on Bishop Burnet’s “History of His Own Time”
Note on the “Freeholder”

The Journalism

Contributions to “The Tatler”
Contributions to “The Examiner”
Contributions to “The Spectator”
Contributions to “The Intelligencer”

The Poetry Collection

The Poems of Jonathan Swift

The Poems

List of Poems in Chronological Order
List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

The Memoir

A Journal to Stella

The Biographies

Sketch of the Life of Dr. Jonathan Swift — R. Phillips
Dean Swift — James McGee

Jonathan’s Page

#delphicompleteworks #poetry #jonathanswift

Citizen — Claudia Rankine

Citizen -- Claudia RankineA rather different way of saying the things that need to be said, containing a mixed bag of poetry, prose, vignettes, etc., detailing what it’s like to be perpetually on the receiving end of racism, from micro-agressions to extremely overt racism.

Maybe, instead of forcing children to read Shakespeare and Dickens at school, we should be encouraging them to read books like this and encouraging them to engage in constructive dialogue with each other about the issues raised and the experiences of those on the receiving end of racism and other bigotry.   Racist is not something people are born, it’s something people are taught, and its very clearly up to schools and educators to start stepping up and making much more effort with the young minds in their care.

In the UK “Citizenship” and “Relationship” education is not on the curriculum until after 11 years of age: this is far, far too late.   How our societies are peopled — our citizens — and how we relate to those other citizens within our societies should be permanently on the curriculum from the very first day of school, not be left in the hands of young people’s peers, bad television, bad websites, and ignorant parents who read nothing but vile, tabloid drivel.   A child who has been nurtured badly up to the age of 11 is highly unlikely to respond to positive nuturing by over-worked, underpaid, stressed-out teachers after the age of 11.

Claudia’s Page

#poetry #claudiarankine

Leda — Aldous Huxley

Leda -- Aldous HuxleyAnother early book of Aldous’ poems.   I think this is the last of the poetry, which i’m quite glad about as i can say, without any doubt, that i much, much prefer Aldous’ prose.

Like the previous books of poetry by Aldous, not really my thing:  other’s mileage may vary though, so don’t let me put you off if you enjoy this style of overly-done, Victorian-upper-class poetry.

Aldous’ Page

#poetry #aldoushuxley

The Defeat Of Youth And Other Poems — Aldous Huxley

The Defeat Of Youth And Other Poems -- Aldous HuxleyAnd so continues my chronological journey through Aldous’ bibliography.

Although a fair few of the poems were as way beyond me as most were in The Burning Wheel, this did seem a little bit more accessible.   I have no idea how much of that is me becoming used to the lexicon and style, or if Aldous has began to write a little more accessibly.

Anyway, another book of poetry that some of you may find enjoyable if you’re into early 1900’s poetry.

To be honest i’ll be glad to finally finish reading Aldous’ poetry and get onto things more enjoyable.

Aldous’ Page

#poetry #aldoushuxley

The Pied Piper of Hamelin — Robert Browning

The Pied Piper of Hamelin -- Robert BrowningA delightful, long poem telling the full story of the Pied Piper.   Great for reading out loud to children.   And much, much better than the Brothers Grimm version.

Best of all, it’s free.   So why not download and give it a read today.

Fairy Tales and Folklore Robert’s Page

#viclit #poetry #fairytale #fantasy #robertbrowning

The Burning Wheel — Aldous Huxley

The Burning Wheel -- Aldous HuxleyAldous started out writing as a poet and this is his first ever book.

While there were a couple of poems in this that i could get my head around, for the most part it was all a bit too much above my 21st century head: mostly not my kind of poetry.   I would class Aldous’ early poetry as very much ringing the death knell of the Victorian upper classes.

For those of us who have been enamoured by Aldous’ later writing, it’s quite interesting to come back to the very beginning and do Aldous chronologically.

Final thoughts: not my cup of tea but you might enjoy it if you’re into pretentious poetry with lots of words that you have to look up.

Aldous’ Page

#poetry #aldoushuxley

Of Mutability — Jo Shapcott

Of Mutability -- Jo ShapcottWhen i set up this website i added my whole Kindle collection from Amazon.   Amongst many books that i didn’t know i had was this one, and i’ve still no idea how it appeared on my account.

Although i don’t normally read poetry, i usually enjoy it when i do, and i was actually looking forward to reading through this collection.

But i have to say, i’m seriously disappointed.   I made it 10% in, which i admit is not very far, but i really couldn’t take any more.

I have no idea when random babble written as bad prose that then gets chopped up randomly into lines that have no cadence, meter, rhythm, rhyme, structure or style got defined as poetry, but it seems that some people now claim it is.

I suppose its the same type that class Sewing Machine in Hessian Sack as modern art — utter bollox!

Here’s some modern poetry (apparently):

It may please the Sunday Times
cryptic crossword
crowd while drinking
coffee from a disposable cup
(see front cover), but
i very much doubt it
will please anyone


Jo’s Page

#poetry #joshapcott #whataloadofcrap