Recursion — Blake Crouch

Recursion -- Blake CrouchThe description on Amazon states that Recursion is the follow up to Dark Matter, which, for those of you living under a rock, is another absolutely, definitely, must read, Blake Crouch book.

So, i admit, i was a little dubious as to how this book would hold up when compared against its predecessor.   Dark Matter is, most certainly, a very, very hard act to follow.

But it did hold up, and without a doubt Recursion is very much a worthy book to be proclaimed as Dark Matter’s follow up.

Blake has one incredible imagination.   Genius.   How a writer can conjure up novels like Dark Matter and then follow it up with Recursion is outstanding.   Awesome mind-bending sci-fi that Blake somehow manages to make complete sense out of for all of us readers to enjoy having our minds bent by.

If you haven’t read these two books yet, then stop reading this and go and read them instead.

Blake’s Page

#scifi #blakecrouch