Pebble in the Sky — Isaac Asimov

Pebble in the Sky -- Isaac AsimovThe third and last of the Empire novels and finally we get to Trantor as a galactic empire.

This time we’re back on the radio-active Earth sometime in the far flung future.

Earthers are still despised throughout the galaxy but one group of Earthers have a plan to sort all the rest of the galaxy out and finally put them in their place.

But an archeologist arrives on Earth with a few weeks to kill before the rest of his team turn up and goes off to see the sights.   On his travels he stumbles into the plot and all kinds of troubles erupt.

Another good story from Isaac, but once again, i’m left wondering how Homo sapiens are ever going to achieve any of this galactic stuff when all we can think to do is to fuck each other over at every opportunity.

And so all that’s left now is to dive into the Foundation books, beginning with Prelude to Foundation.

Bring it on…

Isaac’s Page

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