Guinea Pig Apocalypse — De Kenyon

Guinea Pig Apocalypse -- De KenyonDe Kenyon is the name DeAnna Knippling publishes her children’s books under and Deanna sent out a free copy of this in her newsletter.   Normally i wouldn’t bother with some random children’s book, but i’ve enjoyed DeAnna’s grown up books and the title of this intrigued me.   When i read the synopsis and found out that it was about squirrels taking over the world, i just had to give it a go.

To begin, if you’re a grown up and wanting something grown up to read then move along, this ain’t for you.   But if you’re like me and occasionally like a bit of silly sci-fi-ish stuff to keep us young at heart then this may be just what you’re looking for.   Note: when i say silly i mean good, fun silly, not stupid silly.

Basically, it’s about a young boy, Galileo, whose parents are mad scientists who make a replicator that makes guinea pigs out of sewage.   What they don’t realise is that it’s all part of the squirrels’ big bad plan to take over the world by using said guinea pigs to wipe out all the humans — because, as we all known, squirrels are the most evil creatures on the planet.

I have absolutely no idea if this book is suitable for a child near you, you’ll have to read it yourself first: go on, you know you want to.

I would probably aim it at around 10-11 year old but don’t quote me on that cause i’m useless at guessing these things.

All in all, i quite enjoyed it, but then i enjoy some good, fun silly now and again.

De’s Page

#scifi #dekenyon