Ancillary Mercy — Ann Leckie

The final episode in the Imperial Radch Trilogy, and quite a good page turner it was.

We;re still at the space station and planet system but “She” has turned up, and it’s one of those “She’s” that really doesn’t like Breq.

So all kinds of chaos and fun ensues with some great new characters thrown in to spice things up.

I did feel the ending was a bit lacking, as in it didn’t finish the trilogy off neatly, leaving lots of openings for further stories — which is a good thing because there’s four more books in this universe to read next.   Hopefully we’ll get to find out what happens next during one of those stories.

So that’s exactly what i’m going to do now, start reading those four stories, beginning with Night’s Slow Poison.

Bye for now.

Ann’s Page

#scifi #annleckie

Eddy’s Little Day — Joseph R. Lallo

Eddy's Little Day -- Joseph R. LalloIf you enjoyed Joseph’s Book of Deacon side story The Adventures of Rustle and Eddy then you’ll love this little story.

Eddy borrows a few spells from his sister and goes off on an adventure to find Rustle, who hasn’t turned up for his latest visit.

Yes, those naughty fairy catchers are at it again, but they didn’t factor Eddy into their accounts.

I really enjoy the Rustle and Eddy stuff, so this was a very welcome sequel which i also really enjoyed.

Bye for now.

Joseph’s Page

#fantasy #josephrlallo

An Ivy Tale — Joseph R. Lallo

An Ivy Tale -- Joseph R. LalloA nice little side story for all you fans of Joseph’s Book of Deacon series.

Ivy goes on a wander to cheer herself up when she gets a bored after saving the world and becoming an ambassador.   One day, during her wander, she walks into an inn where Malthropes aren’t exactly made welcome.

A sweet little story.

Bye for now.

Joseph’s Page

#fantasy #josephrlallo

What Lot’s Wife Saw — Ioanna Bourazopoulou

What Lot's Wife Saw -- Ioanna BourazopoulouI read this soooo many years ago and decided to put it away for a few years before reading it again.   But the years came and went and finally i jumped in and did it.

And yes, i enjoyed it totally again.

It’s a rather strange book dealing with authoritarian rulers and their lackeys, but what happens if the lackeys decide to do something unexpected?

Set in a colony on where the Dead Sea used to be before it overflowed and flooded all the Mediterranean’s surrounding countries.   The colony now mines the special, addictive, purple salt that was sealed down beneath the ground and sells it to the rest of the world.

The authoritarian 75, based in Paris, own the colony and have a global monopoly on the salt it produces.   They have sealed it off from the outside world and only keep in contact with the governor via a green box delivered by a special ship. the governor, in turn, instructs his 6 lackeys to do his bidding.

And then, one night, things all change.   The governor’s 6 lackeys send 6 letters to the 75 explaining what happened and they in turn bring in Phileas Book, a constructor of strange crosswords for The Times to decipher the chaotic letters and to work out what the truth is and what really happened in the colony.

It’s a really strange story and quite unlike anything else i’ve read, but it is totally enjoyable and has a great ending.

Bye for now.

Ioanna’s Page

#fantasy #ioannabourazopoulou

The Midnight Library — Matt Haig

The Midnight Library -- Matt HaigA bit of a strange book.   I like the idea of being stuck in limbo, just on the edge of death, and going through all your regrets and considering what you could have done differently; how it might have all worked out if only you’d gone for that cup of coffee, or hadn’t quit the band, etc..   But what i don’t like at all is why it had to be dumped into the parallel/multiple universe twaddle.   Parallel/multiple universe twaddle is just twaddle and it really doesn’t need promoting.

Scientists who bang on about god being nonsense who then claim that every time we make a decision a whole new universe if formed are obviously more deluded that people who believe in god – and that’s pretty deluded.

Schroedinger’s cat is not neither alive nor dead, it’s not stuck in a quantum state in between.   It’s either dead or alive, one or the other, you can’t have both.   Locking it in a toxic box and pretending that it’s neither of either until you open the box is just the most ridiculous thing to come out of science.   Yes, if a tree falls in the woods and you don’t hear it does still make a rather big noise, ask the fox.

That said, if you just read the book as about someone stuck in limbo, in that timeless moment just before death, then it’s a really good book.   It just doesn’t need the twaddle.

Bye for now.

Matt’s Page

#fantasy #matthaig