
Hello & Welcome
ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


Quantum Shift — Joseph R. Lallo

Quantum Shift -- Joseph R. LalloFairly good, but this series is getting rather repetitive.   I really think Joseph needs to go off on a different tangent with this story line.   Lex really doesn’t need to be saving every universe in existence in every story, surely there’s something else he’d rather be doing?

I like the crazy Karter stuff with lots of Ma, just not saving the universes every time Lex gets in a space ship.

Bye for now.

Joseph’s Page

#scifi #josephrlallo

Eddy’s Little Day — Joseph R. Lallo

Eddy's Little Day -- Joseph R. LalloIf you enjoyed Joseph’s Book of Deacon side story The Adventures of Rustle and Eddy then you’ll love this little story.

Eddy borrows a few spells from his sister and goes off on an adventure to find Rustle, who hasn’t turned up for his latest visit.

Yes, those naughty fairy catchers are at it again, but they didn’t factor Eddy into their accounts.

I really enjoy the Rustle and Eddy stuff, so this was a very welcome sequel which i also really enjoyed.

Bye for now.

Joseph’s Page

#fantasy #josephrlallo

Eversion — Alastair Reynolds

Eversion -- Alastair ReynoldsHave you ever fell asleep in a dream and in that sleep you start dreaming, only to fall asleep in that dream and start dreaming again.   But then you wake up from that final dream and a new day begins, but it’s just soooo fucked up you can’t understand what’s going wrong with the world: because you thought you’d actually woken up because you forgot you fell asleep within a dream within a dream and you haven’t actually woke up, woke up, you just woke up within the next dream level up, you’re still dreaming.   And it takes a while to realise what the fuck is going on.   If that’s never happened to you then you’re really missing out a wonderful mind fuck.

It’s just like what happens in the film Inception, they go to sleep and dream, then go to sleep and dream and then go to sleep and dream, in order to get so far down the rabbit hole in order to get the thing they want.

And yes, you can fall asleep in dreams and then dream in that sleep and so on.   It’s freaky!

Why am i telling you this?   Because Silas Coade, our protagonist within Eversion, appears to be doing the same thing.   So if you liked that idea in Inception you might just really like this one as well, because this is just as good but in a much different way.   I can’t tell you why it’s different because it would totally ruin the story, you just have to believe me that it’s really good and read it for yourself.

This is currently Alastair’s last published novel and i’ve read everything else he’s written apart from the young adult, nonsensical, Revenger trilogy, which i just couldn’t cope with.   So now i sit eagerly awaiting the next great story from this master of science fiction: let’s hope it’s not too long in appearing.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds

Plague Music — Alastair Reynolds

Plague Music -- Alastair ReynoldsAvailable in Belladonna Nights and Other Stories.

And here’s me thinking that i’d read all the Revelation Space stories, and then i find this one.   Admittedly, it was published after i had read most of the Revelation Space series, so i’ll forgive myself for not reading it in the chronological order of Revelation Space.

But, anyway, it’s always nice to get another Revelation Space story thrown into ones life now and again.

This one takes us back to Chasm City, after the plague has mangled it, following a clean up crew on the lower levels.   I really enjoyed it.   Once again, as most things by Alastair, extremely well written and brilliant sci-fi.

Now all i have to do is wait for the next Revelation Space story, which i hope won’t be too long in coming.   I love this series.

If you haven’t read Revelation Space then i suggest you follow it in chronological order and read everything — it’s really, really good.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds

Polished Performance — Alastair Reynolds

Polished Performance -- Alastair ReynoldsAvailable in Made to Order: Robots and Revolution — Anthology.

A really good story set aboard a sleeper ship that is flown and managed by robots while all the wealthy humans sleep the long cold sleep.

But something goes wrong with the cooling system for the sleepers and the robots become worried that they’ll be core wiped to cover up the mess when they get to their destination.   Thus begins the cunning plans of the robots to avoid annihilation.

Next up in Alastair’s literary journey is Plague Music, which is actually a Revelation Space story set in Chasm City.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds

What Lot’s Wife Saw — Ioanna Bourazopoulou

What Lot's Wife Saw -- Ioanna BourazopoulouI read this soooo many years ago and decided to put it away for a few years before reading it again.   But the years came and went and finally i jumped in and did it.

And yes, i enjoyed it totally again.

It’s a rather strange book dealing with authoritarian rulers and their lackeys, but what happens if the lackeys decide to do something unexpected?

Set in a colony on where the Dead Sea used to be before it overflowed and flooded all the Mediterranean’s surrounding countries.   The colony now mines the special, addictive, purple salt that was sealed down beneath the ground and sells it to the rest of the world.

The authoritarian 75, based in Paris, own the colony and have a global monopoly on the salt it produces.   They have sealed it off from the outside world and only keep in contact with the governor via a green box delivered by a special ship. the governor, in turn, instructs his 6 lackeys to do his bidding.

And then, one night, things all change.   The governor’s 6 lackeys send 6 letters to the 75 explaining what happened and they in turn bring in Phileas Book, a constructor of strange crosswords for The Times to decipher the chaotic letters and to work out what the truth is and what really happened in the colony.

It’s a really strange story and quite unlike anything else i’ve read, but it is totally enjoyable and has a great ending.

Bye for now.

Ioanna’s Page

#fantasy #ioannabourazopoulou

Quicksand — Junichiro Tanizaki

Quicksand -- Junichiro TanizakiThis is written by the author as though a desperate housewife is telling him personally about her affairs and marriage problems.

I gave up about a third of the way in, i couldn’t take it any more.

If you’re the kind of person that likes reading about chaos in other people’s relationships then it might just suit you, but that’s not my thing at all.

Awful main character.

Bye for now.

Junichiro’s Page

#5t4n5 #japan #junichirotanizaki



With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


The Art of Peace -- Morihei Ueshiba Back to the Zen.


More Zen.