
Hello & Welcome
ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


The Counselor — Robin Sloan

The Counselor -- Robin SloanA look to the future when everyone has access to talk therapy with a counselor, for their whole lives.

But the only way this has become possible is because everyone’s free lifelong counselor is an AI.

And how does the counselor council the terminally ill who can stay alive on life support equipment for decades?

An interesting view of the future of health care, which isn’t too far fetched when we consider that health care providers are already putting chat bots in old people’s homes to talk to them and old people are already heavily medicated and looked after for decades to keep them alive without any real quality of life.

Another interesting little story from Robin.

Bye for now.

Robin’s Page

#scifi #robinsloan

The Little Breton Bistro — Nina George

The Little Breton Bistro -- Nina GeorgeIf you enjoyed The Little Paris Bookshop then you’ll enjoy this book just as much.

But, if you’re one of those miserable people who didn’t like The Little Paris Bookshop, or just want to hate on every piece of uplit ever written then you’ll probably be better off just passing it by.

What struck me most about this story is how much Marianne’s life with her gaslighting husband reminds me of my own mother.   Like Lothar, my father was also a sergeant-major in the army, and although it was the British Army they spent most of the first 15 years of their marriage living in Germany.   Sadly, my mother never left my father, instead she chose a life of benzodiazepines and any other crazy medication she could get off her quacks.

Reading this book made me think what might have been possible for my mother and her two children if she’d only had the courage to leave and get away.   If you are being gaslighted, then be aware that the person doing it is a sociopath and the only way you deal with sociopaths is to run away, far away, and never look back.

Bye for now.

Nina’s Page


The Red Scholar’s Wake — Aliette de Bodard

The Red Scholar's Wake -- Aliette de BodardIt had certainly been a while since i read any Xuya stories when i finally got this in my Kindle’s memory bank, but i soon fell back into the universe like i’d never been away.

‘The Red Scholar is dead.’   So begins the story.   And left behind in her wake is her wife, the mindship Rice Fish.

The Red Scholar was the head of the Red Banner of the pirates and Rice Fish wants to stake her claim as banner head, but to do so she needs to find out who arranged the death of her wife.   In order to do so she enlists the help of a captured scavenger, Xich Si.   And so begins a story of intrigue, deception, betrayals, love, and all kinds of crazy pirates’ political machinations.

Super good stuff, as are all the Xuya Stories i’ve read.

Next in the Xuya universe is A Fire Born of Exile.

Bye for now.

Aliette’s Page

#5t4n5 #fantasy #scifi #aliettedebodard

Last Beautiful — Robin Sloan

Last Beautiful -- Robin SloanWhat if today was the last beautiful day ever?

Tomorrow would turn out to be dreary and dismal, overcast weather and the sun would never shine again.

Is there any hope?

This is how i feel in our current UK summer.   We had a lovely May and early July and then the weather turn crap.   And everyday since it’s been more crap weather.   Will the sun ever come back?

Anyway, it’s a good little tiny short story that you can read for free on Robin’s website.

Bye for now.

Robin’s Page


Detonation Boulevard — Alastair Reynolds

Detonation Boulevard -- Alastair ReynoldsAlastair is back with one of his great little stories.

This time Alastair has conjured up a racing league where the races circumnavigate small moons and such within the solar system.   This is about one race, the race around Io, one of Jupiter’s moons.   Super geologically active, you’d have to be insane to be racing around this.   It kind of reminds me of all the old stories of early motor racing, before actual race tracks and before the FIA came along and sanitized everything.

So if you like a good motor racing story, or like Alastair’s short fiction, you’ll enjoy this one.

Now i go back to eagerly awaiting Alastair’s next book.

Bye for now.

Alastair’s Page

#scifi #alastairreynolds

The Crew Who Came in From the Cold — Kathleen McClure and Kelley McKinnon

The Crew Who Came in From the Cold -- Kathleen McClure and Kelley McKinnonTo begin, i would just like to mention that i received a free copy of this book from Kathleen and Kelley to read and review.

I’ve always been a total fan of the Fortune series, always great writing, great characters, interesting relationships, with lots of action and shenanigans, and this story was more of the same.

This story follows on from Outrageous Fortune, so do read that first.

In this story Kathleen teams up with Kelley McKinnon once again and what the reader gets is another wonderful adventure with the crew of the Errant when they get a passenger job to carry some doctors to another part of Fortune (they’re like Fortune’s vesion of “Doctors Without Borders), but one of these passengers isn’t who he says he is.   Anyway, when this passenger goes to meet up with an old friend all hell breaks loose and, once again, trouble soon finds the crew of the Errant and shenanigans ensue.   Plus, we get an update on John and Jagati’s budding romance . . . awwww!

All in all, while not a big long book, it’s a very good little adventure within which we learn a lot more about our favourite airship crew and, also, a very good little adventure that’ll keep you awake reading at bedtime when you should be going to sleep.   But who needs sleep, right?

A must read for all Fortune fans and if you’re not a Fortune fan yet then i would humbly suggest that you go to Outrageous Fiction and get a free copy of Soldier of Fortune and give it a read.   Yes, the first book in the series is free to try, so what’s stopping you?   The planet Fortune is a wonderful stage setting for these really good, character driven adventures that Kathleen and Kelly take us on.   If you like lots of action with great characters and great writing you won’t be disappointed.

Bye for now.

Kathleen’s Page Kelley’s Page

#steampunk #kathleenmcclure #kelleymckinnon



With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


The Art of Peace -- Morihei Ueshiba Back to the Zen.


More Zen.