Foundation — Isaac Asimov

Foundation -- Isaac AsimovFinally, after months of reading through “Robots” and “Empire” we get onto the original Foundation books.

The decline of the Galactic Empire is in full swing, the Foundation is firmly settled on the planet Terminus, and the shenanigans of the Seldon Crises begin.

It’s now up to the Foundation to navigate through each crisis in order to shorten the chaos of a fractured galaxy down to around 1000 years when the second Galactic Empire will bring peace and stability back.   If they don’t do it then it will be over 10000 years of chaos and barbarism instead: no pressure there then?

Once again, the most excellent writing from one of the great writers of all time.

And then it’s straight into Foundation and Empire for some more crises.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov