Edge of Infinity — Anthology

Edge of Infinity -- AnthologyAll stories copyright 2012.


The Girl-Thing Who Went Out for Sushi — Pat Cadigan
The Deeps of the Sky — Elizabeth Bear
DriveJames S. A. Corey
The Road to NPS — Sandra McDonald and Stephen D. Covey
Swift as a Dream and Fleeting as a Sigh — John Barnes
Macy Minnot’s Last Christmas on Dione, Ring Racing, Fiddler’s Green, the Potter’s Garden — Paul McAuley
Safety Tests — Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Bricks, Sticks, Straw — Gwyneth Jones
Tyche and the Ants — Hannu Rajaniemi
Obelisk — Stephen Baxter
VaingloryAlastair Reynolds
Water Rights — An Owomoyela
The Peak of Eternal Light — Bruce Sterling

#theexpanse #scifi #patcadigan #jamessacorey #paulmcauley #gwynethjoneswriter #hannurajaniemi #stephenbaxter #alastairreynolds #brucesterling