Sticky Fingers 1 — JT Lawrence

Sticky Fingers 1 -- JT Lawrence

Bridge Gate

The Itch

The Unsuspecting Gold Digger

Travelling Slacks

Something Borrowed

She Did It

A really good short story about a murder, through the mind of the detective investigating it.

It’s written in a kind of freeze frame style, like each paragraph is describing an image, a feeling, a thought.   Each a separate entity, pieces in the puzzle.   A little strange at first as it’s different from the normal narrative flow we get so used to expecting, but once you get used to it it really works.

This is my first read of Janita’s work and i have to say that i like it and i’m looking forward to reading more.

Grey Magic

Pigeon Pair

The Little Pink Book

Another delightful short from Janita.

It’s about a midwife who’s at work helping a woman give birth, as midwives are prone to do.

Apparently, one needs to trust ones midwife, and Janita assures the reader of this thus making it a fact.

Maybe it’s probably not a great book to read if you are pregnant.

Off The Hinge

Sticky Fingers


Janita’s Page
