
Hello & Welcome
ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


Fire & Ice — Patty Jansen

Fire & Ice -- Patty JansenMy first comment about this book is that it should be made clear at the point of sale that this book contains male on male rape scenes.   I’m pretty sure not everyone wishes to buy books with such content in them for very obvious reasons.

That said, let’s get on with the review.

As a first book in a trilogy i was very impressed.   I feel it’s certainly set the stage for some good grimdark fantasy to come.   It isn’t pleasant, the characters are flawed and too busy struggling with their own shit to worry about you, the reader — get over it!

No really, looking at some reviews i don’t think some people get this genre of story telling: you ain’t getting it laid out all spotlessly cleaned and ironed with your clean socks in the morning, it’s crumpled, still got stains and a bit of a stale wiff to it.   But they’re the only clothes you’ve got for the day so just throw ’em on and get out and enjoy the adventure they take you on.

To sum up, this was a great beginning to a trilogy that also has another trilogy following straight after.   As the stage builder for this grimdark, disturbing world that the story is set in, it’s certainly got my interest and i’m diving straight into Dust & Rain to see if what follows can meet my expectations.

Patty’s Page

#fantasy #pattyjansen

The Great Gatsby — F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby -- F. Scott FitzgeraldWhile i think that this is a really good book, and a thoroughly enjoyable read, i certainly don’t think that it deserves to be ranked as one of the ‘best novels of the 20th century’ and all the other plaudits it gets.

Basically, this story boils down to: poor young man falls in love with a rich, young and beautiful woman but doesn’t have the wealth to support her in the life to which she is obviously accustomed.

So Gatsby disappears from her life and sets out to become the wealthy man that he thinks will attract her.   In the meanwhile, once Gatsby’s disappeared from her life, she meets and marries someone more of her class, breeding and money.   But all the while Gatsby’s been stalking her until he has the courage to finally reveal himself and all the wealth he has somehow amassed.

So yeah, nothing much new there.   You can find plenty of books of that ilk, plenty better books published in the 20th century, and plenty better American novels.

But what you can’t find very often is the delightful prose in which this is written and the way the story is presented.   And the story is rather more nuanced than my simple precis above.

So yeah, definitely a good book and well worth a read, but it’s certainly not the greatest and i’m certainly not planning on ever reading it again.

Scott’s Page


Jonathan Livingston Seagull — Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston Seagull -- Richard BachI fail to understand why this book is lauded by so many people.   I fail to see why this book is regarded as inspirational.

It’s like: completely ignore anyone else, even if they might actually be right, and just go and do anything you feel like, no matter how dangerous to yourself or to others around you.   Remember, your ego is the most important thing in the universe so get out there and show off your ability to be better at something than everyone else.

What, you’re not better at something than everyone else?   Well you best get out there and practice and work hard every single day from dawn till dusk until you are better than everyone else.

And then when you’re better than everyone else go and tell them you are.   Make sure all that hard work and effort isn’t wasted by not having anyone be inspired by you, you super amazing thing you, oh, just look at the size of that amazing ego shining forth from your…

Do make sure to let all the dull and boring people know how utterly amazing you are as you ignore the 30 mph speed signs and drive your amazingly fast car over 150 mph down these busy, boring, urban streets; past schools and playgrounds where the children of dull and boring parents await eagerly to be inspired by your rebellion.   Ignore what anyone else has to say, even if they may actually be right and have a very good reason to say it.   Don’t worry if you kill or injure anyone while doing your stupid stunts, just make sure they all get to see how amazing you are.

Ho hum, call me curmudgeon, i’m off shopping on me moped.

Richard’s Page


The Other Eight — Joseph R. Lallo

The Other Eight -- Joseph R. LalloI admit to not being into all this super hero stuff — a bit of batman is as far as it goes with me.   So why was i reading this book?   Because it was written by Joseph — nuff said.

The reason i don’t like the normal super hero thing is that it’s all just plain stupid: get bit by a radio active spider and suddenly you can climb walls and beat the hell out of super villains.   Yeah, whatevah!   But The Other Eight takes that just plain stupid thing to the most silly it can get and just has some fun with it.   And, i have to say, it actually works.

At last a super hero story that actually sets out to be silly, rather than a silly super hero story trying it’s hardest to be serious.

So yeah, i like it.   Because every now and again one needs a bit of silly in ones life and this book fills that spot exceptionally well.   And just to make sure you actually get that message, Joseph throws in a relevant quote from the great Willy Wonker:

“˜A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.’

Great writing, fun characters, fun story, just fun.


Joseph’s Page


The Legend of Socket Greeny — Tony Bertauski

The Legend of Socket Greeny -- Tony BertauskiAnd so ends the Socket Greeny Saga, and what an ending it all turned out to be.

There was a point near the beginning of this final book where i thought it looked very clear how this was going to go, and i admit to feeling a little disappointed.

‘But wait, read on’, i told myself; ‘before jumping to conclusions.’

Tony does enjoy his plot twists and this one just seemed to keep on twisting, as further and further down the rabbit hole of Socket’s true nature we went.   My little disappointment didn’t last long at all — sorry for ever doubting you Tony.

And the final word is…


wait for it…


Yup, this whole saga has been totally enjoyable and very unputdownable.   Which, although it’s been quite a while since i read Halfskin, is what i remember feeling about that series as well.

Yes folks, Tony is a great writer who, if you’re into his kind of sci-fi, will certainly keep you engaged all the way until the last page.   Great characters, great writing, with a nice standard everyday lexicon that doesn’t leave you having to use look up at all: which does make the reading experience a lot more immersive.

All i can say is that i’m very much looking forward to next time the “Infinite Improbability Drive” picks one of Tony’s books to read.

Tony’s Page

#scifi #tonybertauski

Custard Coffee

Do you like custard?




Do you like coffee?




Well you’ll love this:

Custard Coffee.

Into a big mug that holds at least 350ml place…

20ml     Lavazza Prontissimo Espresso or your favourite instant coffee
15ml     Billingtons Demerara or some other good raw cane demerara sugar (be aware that some shops sell Demerara sugar that’s made from beet sugar: check the package for “raw cane” stated on the label)
70ml     Alpro Vanilla Soya cold from the fridge

…stir well then add…

250ml     boiling filtered or spring water.

If you use standard mains water it’s not gonna taste as good.   Seriously people, stop drinking mains water and using it in cooking, it isn’t healthy and tastes shite.

…stir well again and enjoy.

It’s a rather strange taste at first because one isn’t really used to having ones coffee taste of vanilla custard, but once you get through that first mug it becomes a very enjoyable way to enjoy coffee.

#5t4n5 #coffee #recipes

Remaking ‘The Princess Bride’ — WTF!!!

I’d like to say that this “Remake The Princess Bride? Inconceivable!” article came as a bit of a shock; i’d like to say that some twat actually having the audacity to even imagine remaking The Princess Bride is beyond belief; but i can’t say either.   Because it’s not a shock and it’s not beyond belief.   Because, as we all know, nothing is more sacred these days than corporations making profit.

If the film industry thinks it can make a little bit of profit then they will shit all over everything that anyone loves, respects, admires and/or enjoys.   The film industry, for the most part, does not care about quality, it’s nothing but a monster that continuously needs to consume anything and everything in its path to stay alive.   But, at the end of the day, it only does this if you, the viewing public, keep feeding it.   Ergo…


The Princess Bride is one of the most classic films ever made.   There is nothing in this film that leaves space for improvement.   It doesn’t need to be remade.   It stands the test of time as it is.   It will always be a fantastic film for all the family to enjoy, no matter what age or anything.   It is, quite simply, film making at its very best.

Seriously, if you haven’t watched The Princess Bride then do so.   Invite friends and family around to watch it with you.

And then, when you’ve watched the film and maybe want more of the similar, read the book!

Yes, the book complements the film perfectly.   But whereas normally i would suggest reading the book before watching the film, with The Princess Bride i would wholeheartedly recommend watching the film before reading the book.

But whatever you do, please don’t watch any remake of this film.   You’ll just encourage the film industry to continue shitting all over everything of quality that ever existed.

#5t4n5 #theprincessbride #tvandfilm

The Training of Socket Greeny — Tony Bertauski

The Training of Socket Greeny -- Tony BertauskiOh wow, that was rather exciting.   I usually read for about an hour or so at bedtime but last night i picked up this story at 21% in and couldn’t put it down until i’d totally devoured the lot.

The first third of the book mostly deals with Socket’s training and how bad he’s getting it from his trainer, his mother’s interference, his own issues with it, etc..   Then, while supposed to be taking a break at home it all begins to unravel for Socket as he moves closer to his final test, and then, big badda kaboom!!!   The last third of this book is relentless, and, for me at least, totally unputdownable.

Tony is a fantastic writer with a great imagination and the writing ability to convey it.

So, with that said, i’m off to dive straight into The Legend of Socket Greeny.

Tony’s Page

#scifi #tonybertauski

La Vuelta a España — 2019

La Vuelta a EspañaThe last of the year’s 3 grand tours, La Vuelta usually throws up a fun 3 week adventure around the roads of Spain and, although in some ways it was a little disappointing this year, it was still a good race in many other ways.

Having lost a few good riders and teams in the first week due to crashes, illness, etc., the GC race basically came down to Movistar v Jumbo Visma with Movistar seeming more than happy to settle for second place.   Although to be fair to Valverde and Quintana, they were raced in the Tour and then expected to come here and perfom against Roglič who had spent the summer doing nothing but get into perfect shape for this race.   If Movistar had held Valverde back from the Tour and focused him totally on La Vuelta and made him absolute leader from the start without Quintana in the team then, oh, how things may have been so very different.

In the end the main battle was the white jersey between Miguel Ángel López and Tadej Pogačar.   While everyone else seemed more than happy to just surrender to Roglič in the GC race, these two young whipper-snappers were most definitely not surrendering anything and were punching back and forth between stages all the way to the end with Tadej riding an awesome end to stage 20 that Miguel simply had nothing left in the tank to answer with.   With hindsight it did look like Tadej may have deliberately held back on stage 19 while Miguel went charging off, thus leaving himself a lot fresher for stage 20 than Miguel.

And while the big GC battle teams weren’t going full gas mental, the breakaways were usually left to have it large on most days throwing up some wonderful moments for a few of the pro-continental riders — which we always love to see.

All in all, yes, it could have been better had it not been for those early misfortunes, but it was still plenty good enough.

#5t4n5 #lavuelta #tv



The Robots of Dawn -- Isaac Asimov With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


Why Work? -- Collection Yeah, why?


More Zen.