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ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


The Keeper of Lost Things — Ruth Hogan

The Keeper of Lost Things -- Ruth HoganA really enjoyable book.

The best thing about owning a Kindle is discovering “Kindle Book Deals”.   For 99 pence, including delivery, you really can’t go wrong trying out books simply judged by their titles and covers.   This one was a certainly a diamond in the rough.

Ruth’s treatment of Down’s Syndrome was a breath of fresh air in a world so full of ignorance and stigma, and her treatment of Alzheimer’s disease equally so.   Ruth really isn’t afraid to delve into lives that few writers would fear to tread and does so with care and understanding.

Definitely a book for anyone wanting to read a lovely, well thought out, enjoyable story with great characters you can’t help but enjoy — Ruth even manages to include a likeable ghost.

And if you should enjoy this book — and why wouldn’t you — then treat yourself and dive straight into Ruth’s next book: The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes.

Ruth’s Page


Ajax penumbra: 1969 — Robin Sloan

Ajax penumbra: 1969 -- Robin SloanThe first time i read The Little Paris Bookshop, i was inspired to go on the hunt for more book shop stories: that was when i found Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Book Store.

And i’m glad i did go looking.   I really enjoyed Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Book Store and having read that i later discovered Robin had written this little prequel.

Robin has quickly become a favourite writer and i dived straight into reading Sourdough immediately after finishing this.   His stories have a really nice flow with interesting likeable characters and nice easy going English.

Which should one read first, this or Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Book Store?   Well knowing what i know now, i would read Ajax penumbra 1969 first, as i now feel that i need to go and re-read Mr. Penumbra again to give it more clarity, so i’m not reviewing that until i’ve got around to reading it again.

I think the difference is whether you want to meet the bookshop first from Ajax’s first view in 1969 or from Clay’s first view in the 21st century.   But you’ll want to read the other book again after finishing the other book either way, so i don’t really think it makes much difference.

Robin’s Page


Breatheology — Stig Avall Severinsen

Breatheology -- Stig Avall SeverinsenBeing a four time world champion freediver, Stig certainly knows a thing or two about breathing and he lays it all out in this great book that is aimed at everyone who wishes to improve their health, fitness and wellbeing: not just freedivers.

Breathing is one of the most important things we do in life, if not the most important, yet we pay so little attention to it until something goes horribly wrong.

Stig’s book explains pretty much everything you needed to know about good breathing practise and how to achieve a much more healthier life with a great variety of exercises that will improve your breathing.   And you don’t need to be a great athlete to benefit from this book.   Even people bedridden with disabilities can benefit from some of these simple to practise exercises.

So whether you’re a freediver or not, it’s a great book to have on your shelf.

Stig’s Page

#fitness #health #stigavallseverinsen

The Little White Bird; or, Adventures in Kensington Gardens — J. M. Barrie

The Little White Bird -- J. M. BarrieThis is the very book wherein Peter Pan makes his first appearance.   The parts within that include Peter Pan were later published as Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens which is not to be confused with the full Peter Pan story, which was subsequently published as Peter and Wendy or later, just simply, Peter Pan.

I know, it gets quite confusing tracking down the origins of these Vic Lit legends, you get the same shenanigans with Alice in Wonderland.   But it does add a little challenge to your reading, which would normally just consist of buying a book you like the look of and reading it.

I’ve read in some reviews people saying they couldn’t understand this book and they kept on getting confused.   Obviously they didn’t factor in that this is written in beautiful Victorian prose and is not some standard contemporary novel.   I do feel that in order to fully enjoy Vic Lit then you really need to read a few books to get up to speed on the use of the language by these writers.   Most of these books were written by very well educated Victorians, not the lower classes, and they used the language quite differently to how we use it today with words that have completely escaped the modern English lexicon altogether.

I do believe that anyone who will take a few books to adjust to Victorian prose will find the effort is well rewarded.   Victorian prose is, to my mind at least, the most delightful and eloquent English prose i’ve ever read.

I digress, tangents become me, let’s to the story: The Little White Bird is, at it’s heart, a lost-love story that gets played out and revealed through the book.   It has our ageing, bachelor protagonist getting caught up baby sitting a child that he never actually meant to get involved with, and having had no involvement with children before, can only cope with them by comparing them to his St. Bernard dog which, at times, he seems fairly certain is far superior in most respects.   His adventures with the child, David, are where this book gets it’s other title — Adventures in Kensington Gardens — as they spend a lot of time there.

Throughout the beautiful Victorian prose there is an undoubted light heartedness and a certain tongue in cheekness to this book that is both captivating and enjoyable.   And it’s descriptiveness of the habits of Victorian upper class children and their wards within Kensington Gardens at that time is delightful — Barrie is a master wordsmith.

Oddly, although it was the reason for reading this book in the first place, i found the Peter Pan bit — and it is only a bit — to be a tiny bit annoying; i became so enthralled in the every day descriptions of Victorian life around Kensington Gardens, and also our protagonist’s story, that i just wanted to get away from the habits of Peter Pan and the fairies and back to the habits of the humans and the aforementioned St. Benard.   At the same time, it is also something i wouldn’t have wanted left out as it gives the full back story of Peter Pan, how he came to be and why he is like he is.

All in all, an absolute must for anyone who enjoys Victorian Literature, it really is an absolute gem.   And also an absolute must for anyone who loves Peter Pan and wants the full history of the character in the context from which he first flew.

And did i mention, this Kindle version is completely free — what’s not to like?

Some more “Peter Pan and Neverland” books.

J. M. Barrie’s Page

#peterpan #viclit #jmbarrie

Eat and Run – Scott Jurek

Eat and Run -- Scott JurekThis is a great book by Scott Jurek one of ultra’s greatest ever competitors.   Like Finding Ultra by Rich Roll, this book doesn’t go into training for ultras or anything like that, it just chronicles Scott’s journey from childhood through to ultramarathon champion and how he got there, with great accounts of some of his greatest races.

And also like Rich Roll, Scott Jurek is also a vegan, or ‘plant based athlete’ which seems to be the more politically correct term vegan athletes are choosing theses days.   And sprinkled liberally throughout the book are lots of Scott’s favourite recipes for you to try if you so wish.   In a lot of ways it’s like a vegan cook book with a great story shoved in between the recipes.

Well worth a read.   Especially for those with any designs on endurance training or participating in endurance sports.

And don’t forget to read North also.

Scott’s Page

#vegan #wfpb #health #fitness #scottjurek

Run Wild — Boff Whalley

Run Wild -- Boff WhalleyBefore we go any further, i do need to state that there are a couple of mentions of Jimmy Saville in the book, a keen city marathon runner, which obviously some people may find too distressing.   The book was written just before the truth came out and i think it’s fair to say that these mentions would not have made the final cut had Boff known at the time.   It’s incredible how angry one can feel just reading about Saville like this, how he had so many people fooled with his charity work, like he was one of the good people.   CUNT!!!   Nuff said!

So yeah, i found myself in the library the other day just having a mooch around seeing what books they had on health, fitness and wellbeing, and also Dartmoor.   And i came across a book titled ‘Run Wild’ and couldn’t resist the temptation to have a look at the cover notes.

What made me take the book home was that it is written by Boff Whalley, one of the founders of Chumbawamba, which used to be one of my favourite ever bands, before they signed for EMI and had that awful hit, ‘Tubthumping’.   I never forgave them for signing for (selling out to) EMI and never will.   Half the original band left (the very day i had a ticket to go and see them in Camden so the gig got cancelled at the last minute just adding to my disdain towards the whole fiasco) and had to be replaced and what the world saw as Chumbawamba when they played Tubthumping was not the Chumbawamba that i, and many others, had known, respected, admired and totally loved.   And i really did love that band.

But Chumbawamba EMI sell out issues aside, the fact that Boff had written a book about running, and wild running at that, had me really eager to take the book home and give it a read, and i was not disappointed.

What’s sad is that a lot of people will never read this book because they’ll think it’s just another book all about running and how to run, and it isn’t.   It’s far more than that.   It’s a great look at society as a whole through the lens of a wild runner, but with an anarchist, a punk, a musician, a father of two young children, guiding your view.

The book doesn’t at all go into any advice on how to run, other than why to stay away from the cattle herding of big city marathons and to get out into the countryside trails and just enjoy the freedom they offer, and in so doing it’s a very approachable book even for non runners.

One of the paragraphs i feel that sums the book up is this one…

It’s not sponsored or televised, but it’s all fun.   All this tripping over tree roots and not knowing precisely where I’m going and falling like a clown into rivers.   But it is, I swear — it’s fun.   It’s not (as some have described it) like going back to being a child again, as if in regression.   It’s just that the natural, exuberant, no-holds-barred playfulness we have as humans is educated out of us as we get older, squeezed out by convention and responsibility.   Responsibility!   Our first responsibility must surely be to enjoy ourselves.   To have our children see us enjoying ourselves, so they might grow up thinking that, yes, life is a quest for joy, not a set pattern of inhibitions and denials.   Adults, scared of looking foolish, won’t even run for a bus they’re about to miss.   Somehow, as we grew older, running became silly, part of a job lot of joys and pleasures that, as we turn from kids to adults, we’re supposed to tie up in a big hessian sack and throw into the nearest canal, where they can sink with a splash, a glug and a muffled yelp.

Also from the book…

“People must not do things for fun.   We are not here for fun.   There is no reference to fun in any act of Parliament.”  (A. P. Herbert, British politician)

That said, it’s also a great book for runners, both runners of man made surfaces and runners of natural surfaces and anyone either thinking of taking up running or has just started and not sure what direction their running wants to take them.

So if you live in Devon then you should be able to order this book through any Devon library from Exmouth library.   Other libraries may vary.   Or buy it!   It’s worth the money.

And then go and have some good old fashioned fun – like you used to before you grew up!

Boff’s Page

#running #health #fitness #boffwhalley

Finding Ultra — Rich Roll

Finding Ultra -- Rich RollI came across Rich Roll and his exploits through my wanderings around the internet looking at all things triathlon and ultra athletics, which is my current thing, in case no one’s been keeping up lately.

Rich lays out his whole life from high school, college swim champion, heading for international sporting star only to discover a love for alcohol, drugs and parties, wrecking all hope of sporting glory forever.   Then his continued destructive, choatic, drunken lifestyle through to his battle to get clean.   And then his descent into junk food fueled, overweight, middle age from which he finally wakes up and becomes one of the world’s top ultra athletes, as a vegan, in his 40’s.   It really is an inspiring book for anyone who has been through the chaos of addiction and has come out the other side with a new found desire for a healthier, fitter life: even if you don’t want to be an ultra athlete.

Rich also describes, fully, his experiences through his first two Ultraman (a double length Ironman) races, and also his adventure with Jason Lester in creating and completing the first Epic 5 challenge (5 Ironmans in 5 days), now a staple on the ultra athletics calender.   It’s astounding to realise just how much the middle aged human body can do and to hear it all from inside the mind of one of these competitors gives a whole new view of these extreme sports people.

And there’s certainly lots of food for thought also, literally, for anyone who is vegan, or is considering or training on a vegan diet.   It’s certainly changed my diet as i recently went back to being a vegan half way through reading this and yesterday ran 15km at 50 years old, the farthest i’ve ran since i was in the army in my 20’s.

Worth a read!

Rich’s Page

#vegan #wfpb #health #fitness #food #richroll



The Caves of Steel -- Isaac Asimov With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


Why Work? -- Collection Yeah, why?


More Zen.