Clockwork Cairo — Anthology

Clockwork Cairo -- AnthologyAll stories copyright 2017 except stated.


The Curious Case of the Werewolf That Wasn’t, the Mummy That Was and the Cat in the Jar — Gail Carriger – 2014
The Angel of Khan el-KhaliliP. Djeli Clark
Mock The Midnight Bell — Sarah Caulfield
Worthless Remains — Jonathan Green – 2006-2017
The Lights of Dendera — Tiffany Trent
Ushabti — Zan Lee
Thermodynamics; and/or The Remittance Men — Chaz Brenchley
Lucky At Cards — David Barnett
Sun River — Nisi Shawl
The Sun Shall Lie Across Us Like Gold — Benjanun Sriduangkaew
The Word of Menamhotep — George Mann
Silver Linings — Tee Morris & Pip Ballantine – 2014
Antonia and Cleopatra — Matthew Bright
The Museum of Unlikely Survivors — Rod Duncan
Jabari and the Giant — Christopher Parvin
To Kill A God — M.J. Lyons
The Infernal — Anne Jensen
Imhotep’s Dog — John Moralee
But For The Pieces He Left Behind — E. Catherine Tobler
The Copper Scarab — K. Tempest Bradford

#fantasy #catsparks

Foundation and Empire — Isaac Asimov

Foundation and Empire -- Isaac AsimovThis book is divided into two separate stories, the first is when the Foundation butts up against the old Empire, still dreaming of its return to its glory days.   The Empire sends one of its generals, Bel Riose, to conquer the Foundation worlds and the Foundation itself: has Seldon’s Plan foreseen this and who will eventually win?

The second story is about a mutant, known as “The Mule”, who is slowly taking world after world to form a new empire of his own making.

Both great stories taking us on a full tilt ride around Isaac’s galaxy of the future.

Very enjoyable and not very put downable either.

Next up is Second Foundation.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov

Foundation — Isaac Asimov

Foundation -- Isaac AsimovFinally, after months of reading through “Robots” and “Empire” we get onto the original Foundation books.

The decline of the Galactic Empire is in full swing, the Foundation is firmly settled on the planet Terminus, and the shenanigans of the Seldon Crises begin.

It’s now up to the Foundation to navigate through each crisis in order to shorten the chaos of a fractured galaxy down to around 1000 years when the second Galactic Empire will bring peace and stability back.   If they don’t do it then it will be over 10000 years of chaos and barbarism instead: no pressure there then?

Once again, the most excellent writing from one of the great writers of all time.

And then it’s straight into Foundation and Empire for some more crises.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov

Forward the Foundation — Isaac Asimov

Forward the Foundation -- Isaac AsimovContinuing on from Prelude to Foundation.   We finally begin to see Trantor in decline and Hari trying to hold the Psychohistory project together.

It’s hard to say much about this novel without spoiling the plot completely.   But, it is good and is an absolute must read before embarking on the original Foundation novels.

And that’s exactly where we go next, to Foundation.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov

Prelude to Foundation — Isaac Asimov

Prelude to Foundation -- Isaac AsimovThe book that introduces us to Hari Seldon and Psychohistory, and also the further adventures of robots.

This was written after all the main Foundation novels in order to give some much needed background and context to Hari Seldon, Psychohistory and the fall of the Galactic Empire.

It’s mostly a good old chase around Trantor, the centre of the Galactic Empire, with everyone hunting Hari in order to control the results of Psychohistory.

Super good and super engaging.   Another great story from a master story teller.

And this leads straight into Forward the Foundation.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov