The Robots of Dawn — Isaac Asimov

The Robots of Dawn -- Isaac AsimovOur favourite detective duo, Daneel and Elijah, are back at it.

This time it’s off to the planet Aurora, where there’s a murder to solve: the murder of a humanoid robot.

Into the mix we have a second robot, Giskard, who isn’t all he seems to be.

And unlike Elijah’s trip to Solaria, on Aurora he is going to have to go outside a lot: scary!!!

Adding to the pressure of the investigation on Elijah is that Earth will only be given Spacer help in moving out to new planets if he solves it in the short time he has.   If he doesn’t his life on Earth will be ruined because Earth is expecting him to get it the help it desperately needs.

A really enjoyable cast of characters, including a couple of old friends, one from Spacetown and one from Solaria.

Really well written and totally enjoyable all the way through.

Next up is Robots and Empire

Isaac’s Page

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