
Hello & Welcome
ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


The Birthday Of The World and Other Stories — Ursula K. Le Guin

The Birthday Of The World and Other Stories -- Ursula K. Le GuinA most wonderful collection of short stories from the greatest Sci Fi writer of all time, Ursula K. Le Guin.

I think “Paradises Lost” is not only my favourite in this collection but also one of my favourite stories by Ursula ever.   If there’s any story that i would have liked her to expand upon it would be this one.   But maybe it will now inspire another great writer sometime in the future to expand upon it: please let me know if you are that writer.

All in all, a great collection, especially for fans of Ursula’s Hainish Cycle, with the majority of the stories being from that.


The Birthday of the World – 2000
Paradises Lost – 2002
One Despising Genres – 2002
Answers to a Questionaire – 2002
A Few Words to a Young Writer – 2002


Unchosen Love – 1994
The Matter of Seggri – 1994
Solitude – 1994
Coming of Age in Karhide – 1995
Mountain Ways – 1996

Yeowe and Werel

Old Music and the Slave Women – 1996

Non Fiction

One Despising Genres – 2002
Answers to a Questionaire – 2002
A Few Words to a Young Writer – 2002

Ursula’s Page

#scifi #ursulakleguin

The Girl in the Spider’s Web — David Lagercrantz

The Girl in the Spider's Web -- David LagercrantzDavid took over writing the Millenium Series after Stieg died and i have to admit that he does a very good job of it with this book.   I haven’t got around to the other two yet.   I’ll re-read the whole series when they turn up.

My only complaint with David’s writing is that he uses a few words, very occasionally, that Steig never used — which some people may not notice, but i certainly felt it shoving me out of the story a little when he did.   Bad editing!!!

David’s Page Stieg’s Page

#stieglarsson #davidlagercrantz



With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


The Art of Peace -- Morihei Ueshiba Back to the Zen.


More Zen.