
Hello & Welcome
ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


That Is That — Nirmala

That Is That -- NirmalaIt was free and i thought that there may have been something in it worth reading.

I felt that the first half of the book was quite good and gives the reader some interesting points to consider, but then, about half way through the book, he started babbling on that the universe is governed by some divine omnipotent being that knows what its doing — like WTF!!!

And then the book just goes downhill from there as i will always just switch off once someone starts creating gods to support their spiritual point of view — and attempting to disguise this god in spiritual mumbo jumbo speak just made it worse for me.

It’s like the first half is there to draw you in before springing his divine-being trap upon you, and then spends the last half of the book running around in circles, repeating himself, trying to justify something or other.

Like i say, it was free and you may find something worth while in it, but i certainly wouldn’t suggest paying for it and i won’t be reading anything else by Nirmala as i don’t do god grovelling.


Nirmala’s Page

#nirmala #whataloadofcrap

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland — Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland -- Lewis CarrollWhen i read this last time i never wrote a review for it: possibly because i’d only just written a review for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground and didn’t really see the need to say much the same for this book.

So what brings me to reading this book again and writing a review now, you may ask.   Well, it’s because i just finished reading Heartless by Marissa Meyer and i so wanted to see how well it would flow into Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland if it was read as a prequel.

Now i’m certainly not saying that this book needs a prequel, but if it were to have one then Heartless has my full blessings to occupy that honoured place.

Yes, one can argue that Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a plenty wonderful book and stands perfectly alone without any need for a prequel, but, having just read Heartless beforehand as a prequel, i can fully attest that it makes for a much better reading experience if you do.

Here be some more “Alice and Wonderland” books.

Lewis’ Page

#aliceinwonderland #viclit #lewiscarroll

Heartless — Marissa Meyer

Heartless -- Marissa MeyerAnother book for fans of all things “Alice and Wonderland”.

In Heartless, Marissa has certainly written a very good prequel to the Lewis Carroll books, so much so that i now feel the need to re-read Wonderland and Looking Glass.

If you’ve ever wondered why the Hatter is Mad, why the Queen of Hearts likes chopping everyone’s heads off, where Jabberwockies come from, and lots more besides, then this is the book for you.

Well written, very enjoyable and quite unputdownable.

Marissa’s Page

#fantasy #aliceinwonderland #marissameyer

Blood & Tears — Patty Jansen

Blood & Tears -- Patty JansenThe final book in this trilogy that has certainly kept me turning the pages and wanting more.

My only complaint with this book is that it’s collected together all the main protagonists from the previous two books and hops, back and forth, between each of their stories.   Not normally a problem but because there are so many protagonists, each with their own little story to tell you, there are quite a few chapters between the chapter you leave off one protagonist’s story and the chapter you pick it back up again: each chapter in between belonging to a different protagonist’s story.   This all leaves you starting each new chapter having to make an effort as to what the protagonist of that chapter was doing when you last heard from them.   It’s not unwieldly or chaotic, but just loses the flow a little bit each time you get to a new chapter and you have to stop and think about where you are in the overall story each time.

And it’s not that i’m not used to dealing with lots of protagonists with contrasting story lines, i’ve read plenty of books like that; it’s just that in this book it just seemed to not quite flow as well and i’m not quite sure why.

And then all the protagonists stories coalesce into one single main event and *** BOOM *** it’s all over, finished, thank you very much for reading.

Maybe it’s just me being rather curmudgeonly, but i kinda wanted a lot more from the ending considering how much went on to get to it.   I really enjoy a good ending — don’t we all — and this ending really didn’t balance with the story that lead to it.

Or maybe it’s just that i didn’t want the trilogy to end so soon: maybe it could have done with another 100 pages just to keep this curmudgeon happy.

Yeah, so that all said, i did enjoy this trilogy as a whole and i’ll certainly be reading the “Moonfire Trilogy” sometime in the future to see what happens once everything has settled down from the icefire chaos.

Patty’s Page

#fantasy #pattyjansen

Dust & Rain — Patty Jansen

Dust & Rain -- Patty JansenJust when you thought it couldn’t get grimmer, Patty managed to pull it off.

So the City of Glass has shattered and icefire is spilling across the land chasing lots of surviving refugees as it burns and destroys everything in its path.

Then we throw our bunch of rather troubled protagonists from the 1st book into the refugees; have another bunch of them chasing some of them and causing lots of nasty along the way; throw a whole bunch more troubled protagonists into the country they’re heading to; stir up all the political nonsense that a time of crisis deserves and then hit the capital city with a huge bunch of the afore mentioned refugees coming via train and road — oh, and, nearly forgot, the refugees are contaminated with high levels of icefire, mostly injured, very hungry and needing shelter.

The one thing i like about this book is the pacing.   Patty keeps everything concerning the refugees really moving along at a good pace until we get to the parts with the politicians.   Suddenly, the pace slows and it feels like the story is trudging along.   This is so like real life; whenever there’s a crisis you can guarantee the only people dragging their heels — forming committees to discuss things while people are actually dying — will be the politicians who are always more concerned with what they can get out of it for their political careers.   Point well made, Patty.

It follows straight on from book one, Fire & Ice, without a pause for breath, and i’m very much diving straight into and devouring book 3, Blood & Tears, with only a little respite to write this review along the way.

So now, if you’ll excuse me, i’m off to read Blood & Tears.

Patty’s Page

#fantasy #pattyjansen

Fire & Ice — Patty Jansen

Fire & Ice -- Patty JansenMy first comment about this book is that it should be made clear at the point of sale that this book contains male on male rape scenes.   I’m pretty sure not everyone wishes to buy books with such content in them for very obvious reasons.

That said, let’s get on with the review.

As a first book in a trilogy i was very impressed.   I feel it’s certainly set the stage for some good grimdark fantasy to come.   It isn’t pleasant, the characters are flawed and too busy struggling with their own shit to worry about you, the reader — get over it!

No really, looking at some reviews i don’t think some people get this genre of story telling: you ain’t getting it laid out all spotlessly cleaned and ironed with your clean socks in the morning, it’s crumpled, still got stains and a bit of a stale wiff to it.   But they’re the only clothes you’ve got for the day so just throw ’em on and get out and enjoy the adventure they take you on.

To sum up, this was a great beginning to a trilogy that also has another trilogy following straight after.   As the stage builder for this grimdark, disturbing world that the story is set in, it’s certainly got my interest and i’m diving straight into Dust & Rain to see if what follows can meet my expectations.

Patty’s Page

#fantasy #pattyjansen

The Great Gatsby — F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby -- F. Scott FitzgeraldWhile i think that this is a really good book, and a thoroughly enjoyable read, i certainly don’t think that it deserves to be ranked as one of the ‘best novels of the 20th century’ and all the other plaudits it gets.

Basically, this story boils down to: poor young man falls in love with a rich, young and beautiful woman but doesn’t have the wealth to support her in the life to which she is obviously accustomed.

So Gatsby disappears from her life and sets out to become the wealthy man that he thinks will attract her.   In the meanwhile, once Gatsby’s disappeared from her life, she meets and marries someone more of her class, breeding and money.   But all the while Gatsby’s been stalking her until he has the courage to finally reveal himself and all the wealth he has somehow amassed.

So yeah, nothing much new there.   You can find plenty of books of that ilk, plenty better books published in the 20th century, and plenty better American novels.

But what you can’t find very often is the delightful prose in which this is written and the way the story is presented.   And the story is rather more nuanced than my simple precis above.

So yeah, definitely a good book and well worth a read, but it’s certainly not the greatest and i’m certainly not planning on ever reading it again.

Scott’s Page


Jonathan Livingston Seagull — Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston Seagull -- Richard BachI fail to understand why this book is lauded by so many people.   I fail to see why this book is regarded as inspirational.

It’s like: completely ignore anyone else, even if they might actually be right, and just go and do anything you feel like, no matter how dangerous to yourself or to others around you.   Remember, your ego is the most important thing in the universe so get out there and show off your ability to be better at something than everyone else.

What, you’re not better at something than everyone else?   Well you best get out there and practice and work hard every single day from dawn till dusk until you are better than everyone else.

And then when you’re better than everyone else go and tell them you are.   Make sure all that hard work and effort isn’t wasted by not having anyone be inspired by you, you super amazing thing you, oh, just look at the size of that amazing ego shining forth from your…

Do make sure to let all the dull and boring people know how utterly amazing you are as you ignore the 30 mph speed signs and drive your amazingly fast car over 150 mph down these busy, boring, urban streets; past schools and playgrounds where the children of dull and boring parents await eagerly to be inspired by your rebellion.   Ignore what anyone else has to say, even if they may actually be right and have a very good reason to say it.   Don’t worry if you kill or injure anyone while doing your stupid stunts, just make sure they all get to see how amazing you are.

Ho hum, call me curmudgeon, i’m off shopping on me moped.

Richard’s Page


The Other Eight — Joseph R. Lallo

The Other Eight -- Joseph R. LalloI admit to not being into all this super hero stuff — a bit of batman is as far as it goes with me.   So why was i reading this book?   Because it was written by Joseph — nuff said.

The reason i don’t like the normal super hero thing is that it’s all just plain stupid: get bit by a radio active spider and suddenly you can climb walls and beat the hell out of super villains.   Yeah, whatevah!   But The Other Eight takes that just plain stupid thing to the most silly it can get and just has some fun with it.   And, i have to say, it actually works.

At last a super hero story that actually sets out to be silly, rather than a silly super hero story trying it’s hardest to be serious.

So yeah, i like it.   Because every now and again one needs a bit of silly in ones life and this book fills that spot exceptionally well.   And just to make sure you actually get that message, Joseph throws in a relevant quote from the great Willy Wonker:

“˜A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.’

Great writing, fun characters, fun story, just fun.


Joseph’s Page




To Protect -- Mickey Zucker Reichert A spin off from Robots all about Susan Calvin’s early years.


With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


Back to the Zen.