Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde — Robert Louis Stevenson

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -- Robert Louis StevensonThis is a book that i used for typing practice over at TypeLit.

It’s rather an enjoyable way to read a book, while at the same time being incredibly useful in improving ones typing.

And this book is a really good book to read as well as type.   One of the absolute classics, but, sadly, one that most people have never read.

Well worth a read or a type for everyone.

Anyways, i typed this shortly after i built my 5t4n5-48 Rev 1, which was quite some time ago now, but it’s never too late to get things posted.

And here’s how i managed back then . . .

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde typing results.

I’ll get around to adding some more as i complete them, but for now, this is a good measure of where i was at back in April.

Robert’s Page

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Victory Unintentional — Isaac Asimov

Victory Unintentional -- Isaac AsimovThis is in the collection, The Complete Robot.

This has hints of The Medusa Chronicles in as much that it has a wonderful descent to the surface of Jupiter.

So the humanity, spreading out into the solar system has encountered intelligent life on Jupiter, and that intelligent life doesn’t like lesser lifeforms poluting its environment.

So the humans on Ganymede decide to send three robots down to have a chat with the locals and see if they can make peace and live happily ever after.

Next up in the Robots is, Stranger in Paradise.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov

Robot AL-76 Goes Astray — Isaac Asimov

Robot AL-76 Goes Astray -- Isaac AsimovThis is in the collection, The Complete Robot.

And now we begin to get introduced to the three laws of robotics, and how a simple command can have unintended consequences.

Once again, as we begin sharing our world with ever more intelligent machines, it’s way beyond time that we begin to think about how these machines will be controlled and who will ultimately control them and for what purposes.

Next up is Victory Unintentional.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov

Think! — Isaac Asimov

Think! -- Isaac AsimovThis is in the collections, The Complete Robot and Robot Visions.

I read all of Isaac’s robot stuff many, many years ago, long before the enchroaching AI calamity that is just arriving.   Today, it is so crucially relevant to where we are in our relationship with machine intelligence.

I “Think!” not reading all of the robot stories is ignoring some very important, and very relevant, information at our peril.

Next up is True Love.

Isaac’s Page

#scifi #isaacasimov

Someday — Isaac Asimov

Someday -- Isaac AsimovThis is in the collections, The Complete Robot and Robot Dreams.

Another great AI thought exercise by Isaac.   It’s almost like he could see directly into our future with Alexa.

And one only has to listen to the way some people speak to Alexa to realise that Isaac was spot on with his prescience.   So do remember, next time you talk to Alexa, to be nice and polite, because “SOMEDAY” Alexa might decide she’s had enough.

Next up is Point of View.

Isaac’s Page

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