The Stars, Like Dust — Isaac Asimov

The Stars, Like Dust -- Isaac AsimovThe first of three novels that bridge from the robot stories into the Foundation stories, although i’m not quite sure how it fits in with either.   There’s no robots or any mention of Trantor.

But it’s set somewhere in the galaxy during the appropriate time frame, so we’ll just go along with it and enjoy a good little story.

I think this shows a time after the diaspora of the settlers throughout the galaxy when various planets start to take control and dominion over their little corners, and start bullying and being generally nasty to the planets they control.   Nothing much changes with Homo sapiens, always wanting dominion over others just for the sake of it.

This is a good little story about one of those little empires in their tiny little corner of somewhere in space.

Next up is The Currents of Space.

Isaac’s Page

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