Lily58 Keyboard Typing Progress 30 WPM

On day 3 of my Lily58 adventure i managed to surpass 30 wpm . . .

Lily58 Keyboard Typing Progress 30 WPM

Hopefully the rest of the bits i need to finish the keyboard will arrive tomorrow.   I had to return one part from Amazon because it arrived in a used and broken state and the replacement is due to arrive tomorrow as well.   Fingers crossed the remaining stuff will all arrive good and dandy.

Bye for now!!!

#5t4n5 #colemakdh #mechanicalkeyboards #monkeytype #lily58 #keebs

Lily58 Keyboard Typing Progress Day 1

So yesterday i finished building a Lily58 keyboard from a kit that i bought from Mechboards (more on that in another post as i haven’t totally finished it yet), and on my first few goes on Monkeytype i managed a whopping 24.78 wpm . . .

Lily58 Keyboard Typing Progress Day 1

So, considering that it’s quite a drastic change of keyboard style, i’m more than happy only losing 6.6 wpm.   I’m thinking there’s a lot of potential for the future in this keyboard.

I shall write a whole post about my build experience as soon as i’ve finalised the build: i’m currently waiting on a few bits to finish it to my liking.

Bye for now!!!

#5t4n5 #colemakdh #mechanicalkeyboards #lily58 #monkeytype #keebs