
Hello & Welcome
ugh face

I’m currently rebuilding the website as the old one got totally messed up when i was playing around with things (no idea what happened).

So i thought that while it was a total clusterfuck mess of SQL, i would take the opportunity to give it a whole new life and everything.

So if you go clicking on things you might find that very strange things happen. Don’t moan, i know a lot of things are broken, i’m working on it, it takes time.

I’ve got tons of old posts and pages from three websites that i’m working through and will be gradually posting all the stuff i want to keep on here while fixing all the broken things as i go through, one post, one page, at a time.

On top of doing all that, i will, of course, be continuing to add more new content and my latest posts will always appear directly below.

Or, if you prefer, you can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest where i put a link to all new posts.


The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae — Stephanie Butland

The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae -- Stephanie ButlandHaving really enjoyed Lost For Words, i soon added this, Stephanie’s second book, to “The Pile” — and i’m really glad i did.

A great story about a heart transplant patient who spent the first 28 years of her life dying while first waiting to get onto the transplant queue and then having to wait for a suitable heart, all the while knowing that someone else has to die in order for her to survive.   And then, once she has her new, second hand heart, she then has to learn to live — not live again, but live for the first time.   How does one live a normal life when they’ve never had a normal life?

Mixed into this is the missing father thing, who did a runner when he found out his new born daughter was dying from a defective heart.   Then there’s the ex-boyfriend, dying from liver failure due to hepatitis, also needing for a transplant to save his life; the celebrity actor who needs a cornea transplant to save his eye; and plenty more besides, crammed perfectly into this little book.

What’s also good about this book is how Stephanie has brought the world of blogging into the story.   The story is half told through Ailsa’s blog posts which are interspersed throughout, which gives Ailsa’s character a much more genuine feel.

Here we are in a world crammed with social media, blogs, vlogs, posts, comments, polls, flame bait, click bait, trolls, likes, dislikes, etc., and i’m surprised to not find more books using these styles of communication within their narratives.   I think a lot of writers are a little worried to jump into this new way that humans have found expressing themselves, but Stephanie certainly got it right with Ailsa, and i hope to read more of this kind of story telling in the future.

And, just like Lost For Words, Stephanie throws in a nice little romance thing, and just like Lost For Words, i felt it was just the right amount for the story and never overdone.

So, my final view is that Stephanie is a really good writer and this book is really good.   Stephanie jumps bravely into the deep end of transplant issues and swims amazingly well bringing out the real issues being faced by all sides, donors, recipients, families, friends, life before, life after and other things besides.   And Stephanie manages to package all this into a really good, well written story.   It’s well worth a read.

I find Stephanie’s writing similar to Ruth Hogan’s, so if you like Ruth’s books then i’m sure you’ll enjoy Stephanie’s just as much, and vice versa too.

Stephanie’s Page


The Orville — Season 1

Shows how much i keep up with current TV shows, i only just came across this.   So it got a good binge watching.

For those who really enjoyed Star Trek TNG and Voyager but were always a little annoyed that no one ever went to the toilet, swore, gossiped, got hangovers, smoked spliffs, etc., then this is for you.

It does have its serious sides like TNG used to have, but mixed amongst it all is just normal people with the normal work complaints, bizarre quirks, habits and things.   Even the replicators have “Cannabis Edibles” on the menu.

So i’ll definitely be watching season 2 when i get some time spare to binge it.

#5t4n5 #tvandfilm #theorville

American Gods — Neil Gaiman

American Gods -- Neil GaimanI had a quick look at the TV show and very quickly decided that i wanted to read the book instead, and i’m rather glad i did.   I absolutely, totally, enjoyed Stardust — which was the only one of Neil’s books i’d read before — so i was hoping i was in for another super reading treat with this.

So, suffice it to say, i still have no idea what the TV show was like, and having read the book i really have no interest because the book is so good i just don’t want to spoil the memory of a great story.   But i’ll most certainly be reading more of Neil’s books though.

This book really has just about everything going on in it.   There’s a dark satirical edge to it, a murder mystery thing, a love story, folklore, lots of action, lots of gods and goddesses and other mythical creatures, and many other things besides.   How Neil managed to tie it all up into one complete story is outstanding writing to say the least.

What struck me most about it was the dark satirical edge that i found within it.   How so many modern countries are turning their backs upon the old ways and enslaving themselves to modern ideas and ideologies.   The continuous tension between those that would hold us back and those who would drive us forward, and the battles that happen when one or both push it too far.   Yes, we all see it played out in the political realm every day, conservatives v modernisers, but underlying all of that are the beliefs and ideals of everyone in society and who gets to control and dictate them.

And in the middle of it all is our protagonist, Shadow.   What a character.   He’s thrown into this world of gods and goddesses as each side attempts to attract him to their school of thought.   Just like the political classes, the corporatocracy and religions as they all attempt to enslave us into their ideologies and use us in their battles for ultimate power.

So yeah, super duper read.   It’s a big, big book but well worth the time.

Neil’s Page

#fantasy #neilgaiman

Perpetual Grace Ltd

One absolutely whacky, strange, weird, but brilliant piece of television.

They didn’t skimp on the acting quality: great casting, great actors and great acting all round.   Everyone suits their character and plays them extremely well.

The cinematography is excellent.

The script is awesome, fun, twisted, bizarre, yet all making complete sense at the same time.

All in all, it’s just perfect.   Get watching now.   There’s only 1 season so you can binge watch the whole ten hours on your next rest day.

Get it…
Get the rhythm…
Get the rhythm…
There ya go…
There ya fucking go…

#5t4n5 #perpetualgraceltd #tvandfilm

The Addiction Recovery Workbook — Paula A Freedman PsyD

The Addiction Recovery Workbook -- Paula A Freedman PsyDFor 99p this grabbed my curiosity.   It’s been over 5 1/2 years since i quit smoking, over 2 years since i quit alcohol, but i keep hold of a few nagging little addictions — like too much cocoa/chocolate/coffee and vaping — which i keep trying to rid myself of but keep finding myself back at.   So i gave this book a go with an open mind.

It certainly made me re-think a lot of things about addiction, especially my previous love of alcohol.   And it’s also given me some ideas on moving forward with my life from here and next steps i might take.

It’s difficult to judge how much value any of these addiction books will be to anyone.   It all depends on the addiction, the reason, the circumstances, the too many variables of life to mention.   But i do think there’s something in this book for most people who are wanting to deal with one or more of their addictions.

It’s approached well, the beginning of the book being about wanting to quit and preparing to, then moving onto actually quitting in the middle of the book and finally to post addiction life.

So for 99p in a Kindle deal, i think it was a really good bargain.   I certainly got a lot out of it, and if you are serious about getting sober and off your poison then give it a read.   No, not all of it will speak to you, but read enough books like this and do a pick and mix of ideas and techniques from each of them that work for you and you to can soon be on the road to a life without addiction — if you really want to.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you.   Reading any book on addiction recovery can only help so much, it’s you that has to really want it, and if you do then books like this will have some good help and advice for you.

Paula’s Page


RUR — Karel Čapek

RUR -- Karel ČapekFirstly, this is not a story book, it is a play, and it’s written as a play.   Which is not to say it’s bad, it’s just different from what one is used to in ones sci-fi.

But i think the play part is where Karel doesn’t do the story, or his point, justice.   Written as a play it’s just too hectic, too fast paced, with never ending characters just piling in their piece — basically, it’s the television of its day.

I think that most of what Karel was trying to say about the world and the future gets lost in a load of characters continuously having their say without any having any thoughts.

Yes, beware the robots, a metaphor for the means of production, because the hand that feeds us will eventually turn and bite us and destroy us all.   But this point would have been made much better in a novel, but it is what it is.

For its time it is a great work of sci-fi, and also a direct critique upon humanity and society.   And here we are 100 years after Karel wrote this and most people in the developed world are incapable of feeding themselves, clothing themselves, starting a real fire, making anything, etc..   We’ve sold our souls to technology and become completely dependent upon it.   And whoever controls that technology controls humanity.   That’s what is known as hydraulic despotism, or, as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen would say:   ‘He who controls the spice, controls the universe.’

Final thoughts:   Worth a quick read for all you anorak-ed, train spotting, sci-fi historians out there — but otherwise there’s not much point.

Karel’s Page

#scifi #sfmasterworks #karelcapek

Little Exiles — Robert Dinsdale

Little Exiles -- Robert DinsdaleI normally read writers in chronological order, but with Robert i started on his fifth book, The Toy Makers, then his fourth book, Gingerbread, and now i’ve just finished this, Little Exiles, his third book.

A chronologically back to front experience, but one that i’m very happy to have taken.

To say that Robert’s writing is heavy going emotionally would be a little understated.   Each of the three books above deals with trauma and the after effects of it upon one of the main characters and how that also affects those close to them.   In The Toy Makers the trauma is introduced half way through the book, in Gingerbread it’s slowly revealed incrementally as we go through the story, but in Little Exiles it begins with the trauma.   And each traumatic experience is very different.

Now some might shy away from these kinds of tales, just wanting to spend their time on pleasant reading experiences.   Which is fine, if that’s your thing.   But you would be missing out greatly in not only some incredibly well written and constructed story telling, but also missing out on understanding how trauma really affects people and brings chaos to their lives and those around them.   Is it not incumbent upon all of us to attempt to understand what people who are suffering from PTSD are going through and through that beginning of understanding gleaned from the pages of a fictional story begin to find some compassion towards people who may need a little extra from us?

Someone once said to me that they never read fiction because it’s just make believe nonsense.   I disagree.   In good works of fiction, like Robert’s books, we can see into lives that aren’t constrained by shame, guilt and privacy, but are simply laid bare upon the pages for all to see.   And in fiction we are given a look inside places that non-fiction dares not tread.

And sadly, this is not all fiction.   The underlying story of this book is true.   Children were taken from the UK and shipped off around the Empire to populate those places we invaded to make them more English — because if there’s more of us there then we obviously have more claim upon it.   No thought as to the rights of those children were given and no one really cared what ultimately happened to them.   They were just shipped off to places like Australia as though they were convicts and used however the colonial authorities saw fit to use them.

And we harp on about having an inquiry into child sex abuse in the UK, but at no point is anyone talking of having an inquiry into the overall abuse of children that has occurred here historically.   Children who were physically and psychologically abused, or simply stolen from their families to populate the Empire, just don’t seem to matter.   It’s very clear that the government is sending out a message that as long as no one touched your genitals then the abuse doesn’t count — the government simply isn’t interested in what a great many children suffered because the government is fully aware that it was complicit in it.

Luckily we’ve come a long way since the Victorian times and their attitudes to children that permeated our society well into the 1900’s.   But i do feel we still have a long way to go.   No child should ever have to suffer abuse of any kind, and that needs to be fully recognised.

Anyway, if you still haven’t got around to reading any of Robert’s books, then do please give them a go.   I would definitely recommend starting with The Toy Makers and working back from there.

Robert’s Page


North — Scott Jurek

North -- Scott JurekI really enjoyed reading Scott’s earlier book Eat and Run, so i was really looking forward to giving this a read.

To sum this book up, this is one of the greatest ultra runners of all time who, after having retired from professional competition, gets his outdoor fix by going hiking along stretches of the PCT with his wife and best friend, Jenny.   During one of these hikes they have a big argument and Scott has a bit of a existential crisis and decides he needs to fix himself by returning to suffering and tells Jenny that he’s going to attempt the Appalachian Trail FKT.

Best of all is that he manages to rope Jenny in as his sole support crew member in a converted van suitably named ‘Castle Black’ by telling her that it’ll be a great family summer holiday for their small family of two.

As we go through each chapter of the book we are introduced to each section of the trail, beginning with Scott’s perspective on it followed by Jenny’s.   And what a journey it is.   It’s utterly ridiculous, but also utterly amazing at the same time.   And if you aren’t a bit soggy eyed at the end then you is heartless.

An amazing journey with an amazing couple of human beings — and a ton of friends, old and new, who helped big time along the way and made it all possible.

If, like me, you enjoyed Scott’s first book, then make sure you give this a read some time.


On 2nd July 2019, Scott and Jenny Jurek made an appearance on the Plant Strong Podcast in which they both talk a fair bit about this massive journey they went on together — well worth a listen: “Fueled by Plants: Scott & Jenny Jurek”

Scott’s Page


Star Born — Andre Norton

Star Born -- Andre NortonLike Storm Over Warlock, this is another book with Andre mixing sci-fi and fantasy.   This time its the turn of mermen to be mixing it with the alien invaders/visitors/settlers to their planet.   Once again, Andre carries this off brilliantly: wonderfully written, classic sci-fi.

Quite thought provoking, in that it dips its toe into the early ideas of the Star Trek prime directive.   Should we interfere, should we get involved?   But if we, in the future, launch ourselves into the cosmos and into other people’s societies, then haven’t we already broken that prime directive?   Simply putting ourselves into space is interfering with whatever is already out there, yet here we go spewing our space junk in every direction in arrogance and ignorance not even caring what effects we may have.

There’s part of this harkens back to Childhood’s End and the proclamation that the stars are not for humans, and that Homo sapiens would become extinct upon the Earth and never reach beyond because we simply aren’t suitable and capable to do so mentally.

Maybe it’s too late to realise and accept that just because we can do something physically does not mean that we should do it.   But off goes science and progress charging into the future without any care or consideration for the spiritual progress that is needed to temper our greed and wants.

Let’s be honest, we aren’t charging into space for the well being of our species, we’re charging into space due to xenophobic paranoia that some other country will get there and exploit it first.   The space race has never been a marvel of human development, but a charge fuelled by fear, greed and paranoia to beat other’s to the prize and plant a stupid flag before someone else can in order to claim that little bit of the infinite cosmos for our own little inbred sub-set of Homo sapiens.   This is not a good way to introduce our species to the cosmos.   Homo sapiens are so fucking crass!

Also available in the collections Star Flight, The Andre Norton Megapack and Visions of Distant Shores.

Andre’s Page

#scifi #andrenorton

Childhood’s End — Arthur C. Clarke

Childhood's End -- Arthur C. ClarkeIt’s not surprising that this book is part of the “Gollancz SF Masterworks” series.   It really is a must read for all sci-fi fans as one of those early sci-fi books that set the standard for others to follow.

The prophetic nature of this book, while quite nail-on-head in some ways, is quite funny at times as to how short it actually fell.   For example, Arthur thought that it would take aliens to bring an end to wars, giving humanity peace ever lasting before we gave up striving to improve our lives and instead spending hours every day watching pointless programs on TV:

Do you realize that every day something like five hundred hours of radio and TV pour out over the various channels?   If you went without sleep and did nothing else, you could follow less than a twentieth of the entertainment that’s available at the turn of a switch!   No wonder that people are becoming passive sponges — absorbing but never creating.   Did you know that the average viewing time per person is now three hours a day?   Soon people won’t be living their own lives any more.   It will be a full-time job keeping up with the various family serials on TV!

And yet here we are 60 years after this book was published and while no aliens have given us peace on earth and eternal leisure people are watching far more TV than Arthur predicted for our age of enlightenment.   The 2018 viewing figures for the UK is an average of over 4 hours a day.   And that’s the average.   Some people are watching far more than that as people like myself have no television at all and haven’t had for over 20 years.

No, it’s not going to take aliens to bring an end to Homo sapiens, the “wise man” is doing a really good job of its own demise without any outside assistance whatsoever:

In a few years, it will all be over, and the human race will have divided in twain.   There is no way back, and no future for the world you know.   All the hopes and dreams of your race are ended now.   You have given birth to your successors, and it is your tragedy that you will never understand them — will never even be able to communicate with their minds.   Indeed, they will not possess minds as you know them.   They will be a single entity, as you yourselves are the sums of your myriad cells.   You will not think them human, and you will be right.

Yes, we are becoming two separate species, with the old conservative Homo sapiens stuck in their ways, trying in vain to hold the world back while the progressive and future looking people are slowly evolving beyond the comprehension of those who cling to their ancient rights.   It won’t be long now before Homo sapiens becomes extinct, because, as Arthur says, the stars are not for man.

All that said, it’s a great book.   Wonderfully written, thought provoking, intelligent sci-fi for progressive and future looking people who look towards the stars instead of into televisions.

Arthur’s Page

#scifi #sfmasterworks #arthurcclarke



The Robots of Dawn -- Isaac Asimov With the rise of the machines on the horizon . . .
. . .me thinks it’s a good time to re-read Asimov.


Why Work? -- Collection Yeah, why?


More Zen.