Extrasolar — Anthology

Extrasolar -- AnthologyAll copyright 2017 except stated.


Holdfast — Alastair Reynolds
Shadows of Eternity — Gregory Benford
A Game of Three Generals — Aliette de Bodard
The Bartered Planet — Paul Di Filippo
Come Home — Terry Dowling
The Residue of Fire — Robert Reed
Thunderstone — Matthew Hughes
Journey to the Anomaly — Ian Watson
Canoe — Nancy Kress
The Planet Woman By M.V. Crawford — Lavie Tidhar
Arcturean Nocturne — Jack McDevitt
Life Signs — Paul McAuley
The Fall of the House of Kepler — Ian R. MacLeod
The Tale of the Alcubierre Horse — Kathleen Ann Goonan

#scifi #alastairreynolds #gregorybenford #aliettedebodard #ianwatson