PCB: 5t4n5-Macropad-18-3 Rev 1

Some more pcb porn.   This time it’s for my new macropad that i’ve just started building.

Because i wanted the whole thing as low profile as i can get it, i had to make separate pcb’s for the switches and the rotary encoders, as i wanted the rotary encoders to sit down inside the board as low as possible . . .

They’re both double sided so i can build the macropads left or right handed by simply turning the boards over.   You have to order a minimum of five boards so i’m going to have 4 sets left over so it seemed silly to make them all one sided.

The build pics will be coming whenever i get it finished.

Bye for now.

#5t4n5 #pcbporn #mechanicalkeyboards #macropads #5t4n5macropad183 #keebs

PCB: 5t4n5-48 Rev 1

I just decided that i’d start posting my pcb designs whenever i make something.

A while ago i published the build pics for my new keyboard, Click here . . ., but didn’t post the pcb design screen grab.   So here it is . . .


The two switch boards are fully reversible as it saves on manufacturing costs only having one pcb to make for both sides instead of two different ones for each side.

That’s what sits behind this . . .

I think the pcb screenshots look really nice and will be posting more soon.

Bye for now.

#5t4n5 #pcbporn #mechanicalkeyboards #5t4n548 #keebs