Feeling Rejected — Alastair Reynolds

Feeling Rejected -- Alastair ReynoldsYou’ll find this in the collection, Deep Navigation.

Reading this, one wonders if Alastair once had an academic paper rejected and that this is somehow a therapy session.   There doesn’t seem to be much more to it.

Dyson spheres: a wonderful trope for story telling, but the idea that an actual intelligent society capable of such feats would go to all that trouble simply because they can’t control their urges to continually fuck up the front hole, producing ever expanding colonies of the results of the misguided sexual desires, just because a few seriously backward thinking Homo sapiens can’t see beyond their own retarded thinking and retarded sexual desires, is preposterous.

And the idea that we should be judging the amount — and level — of intelligent species in the galaxy on the amount of Dyson spheres we can detect is even more preposterous.   Just one more example of the arrogance of Homo sapiens.

Alastair’s Page

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