PCB: 5t4n5-Macropad-18-3 Rev 1

Some more pcb porn.   This time it’s for my new macropad that i’ve just started building.

Because i wanted the whole thing as low profile as i can get it, i had to make separate pcb’s for the switches and the rotary encoders, as i wanted the rotary encoders to sit down inside the board as low as possible . . .

They’re both double sided so i can build the macropads left or right handed by simply turning the boards over.   You have to order a minimum of five boards so i’m going to have 4 sets left over so it seemed silly to make them all one sided.

The build pics will be coming whenever i get it finished.

Bye for now.

#5t4n5 #pcbporn #mechanicalkeyboards #macropads #5t4n5macropad183 #keebs