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Weimar Republic: by Date Published
Writers’ Alphabetty
A. A. Milne
A. R. Kahler
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Adam Fergusson
Adam Parr
Adam Southward
Adrian Newey
AJ Eversley
Akemi Tanaka
Alastair Reynolds
Aldous Huxley
Alec Birri
Alethea Kontis
Alex Hutchinson
Alexandre Dumas
Alexia Purdy
Alfred Döblin
Algis Budrys
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Alice Gregory
Aliette de Bodard
Allison Pang
Amanda Palmer
Amor Towles
Amy Meyerson
Andre Norton
Andrew Juniper
Andrew Sean Greer
Andy Weir
Angélica Gorodischer
Angeline Trevena
Ann Leckie
Anna Lembke
Anna McNuff
Anne Rice
Annelie Wendeberg
Annie Bellet
Annie Proulx
Anthea Sharp
Antoine Laurain
Arkady Strugatsky
Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur Slade
Audrey Faye
Avi Loeb
B. B. Griffith
Barbara Ann Kipfer
Barbara Ulrich
Barry J. Hutchison
Ben Aaronovitch
Ben Bergeron
Bernard Wolfe
Bernardine Evaristo
Beth Kempton
Blake Crouch
Boff Whalley
Bonnie Myotai Treace
Boris Strugatsky
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Brian W. Aldiss
Britta Röstlund
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Bryony Doran
C. Gockel
C. J. Archer
Caleb Wachter
Carine McCandless
Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Carson McCullers
Cecelia Holland
Charles Eisenstein
Charles Perrault
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China Miéville
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Claudia Rankine
Clifford D. Simak
Colby R. Rice
Colin F. Barnes
Colleen Oakes
Connie Willis
Cordwainer Smith
Cornelia Funke
Cory Doctorow
D. G. Compton
D. Michael Withrow
D.L. Dunbar
Dakota Krout
Dan Buettner
Dan Simmons
Daniel Keyes
Danielle Monsch
David A. Goodman
David Brin
David I. Masson
David King Dunaway
David Kirk
David Lagercrantz
David Mitchell
Dean Karnazes
DeAnna Knippling
Deborah Moggach
Deepak Chopra
Delilah S. Dawson
Devon Monk
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Dorothy Madlee
Dörthe Binkert
Doug Stanhope
Douglas J Lisle
Durian Sukegawa
E. F. Benson
E. M. Foner
E. T. A. Hoffmann
Edwin A. Abbott
Eiji Yoshikawa
Elizabeth Macneal
Elmore Leonard
Eric D. Weitz
Eric Hagerman
Erich Fromm
Erich Kästner
Erin Michelle Sky
Erin Morgenstern
Erlend Loe
Ernest Cline
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Henry Shackleton
Evelyn Waugh
F. D. Lee
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Francesc Miralles
Frank Herbert
Franz Hessel
Fred Hoyle
Fumitake Koga
G. Willow Wilson
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Gaie Sebold
Gene Wolfe
Genevieve Parker Hill
Genki Kawamura
Geoff Ryman
George Orwell
George R. R. Martin
George R. Stewart
George Turner
Grace Allen Hogarth
Grayson Perry
Greg Egan
Gregory Benford
Gregory Maguire
Guillermo del Toro
Gwyneth Jones
H. G. Wells
Hal Clement
Han Kang
Hannu Rajaniemi
Hans Christian Anderson
Hans Fallada
Harper Lee
Harry Graf Kessler
Harry Harrison
Haruki Murakami
Héctor García
Henry David Thoreau
Hinata Kobayashi
Hiro Arikawa
Hiromi Kawakami
Hjörleifur Helgi Stefánsson
Hugh Howey
Iain M. Banks
Ian Fleming
Ian Gibbs
Ian Tuhovsky
Ian Watson
Ichiro Kishimi
Imogen Hermes Gowar
Inazo Nitobe
Inga Moore
Ioanna Bourazopoulou
Irmgard Keun
Irving Wallace
Isaac Asimov
J. A. Konrath
J. M. Barrie
J. N. Chaney
J. William Lloyd
J.S. Morin
Jack Finney
Jack Vance
Jack Womack
James A. Levine
James Blish
James Clavell
James Clear
James K. Pratt
James Morrow
James Patterson
James R Wells
James S. A. Corey
James Swallow
James Tiptree Jr.
Jamie Sedgwick
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Jane McGregor
Janet Ward
Janny Wurts
Jarrett Rush
Jason D. Morrow
Jason Werbeloff
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Jean Rabe
Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
Jennifer Blackstream
Jennifer Foehner Wells
Jenny Baranick
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Joanne Harris
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Joel Rosenberg
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John Joseph Adams
John Lewis-Stempel
John Ratey
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Joseph R. Lallo
Joseph Roth
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JP Delaney
JT Lawrence
Juan Manuel Fangio
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Julia Crane
Julian May
Julian Sancton
Julie Kagawa
Junichiro Tanizaki
Justin Cronin
K. J. Parker
Kaiten Nukariya
Kamo no Chōmei
Karel Čapek
Karen Joy Fowler
Karl Leydecker
Kate Danley
Kathleen Ann Gonzalez
Kathleen McClure
Keiichiro Hirano
Kelley McKinnon
Ken Liu
Kendra C. Highley
Kevin J. Anderson
Kevin Jackson
Kilian Jornet
Kim Stanley Robinson
Kirsty Logan
Klaus Laitenberger
Kristen LaMarca PhD
KT Bryski
Kurt Vonnegut
Kyle Maplesden
Kylie Lee Baker
L. Frank Baum
L. J. Cohen
Laline Paull
Larry Rosenberg
Laura Morelli
Laura Thalassa
Lauren James
Laurie Marhoefer
Leigh Bardugo
Leigh Brackett
Lewis Carroll
Lindsay Buroker
Lisa Feldman Barrett
Lisa See
Loretta Graziano Breuning
Louise O’Neill
Lucius Shepard
Lucy Irvine
Lutz Schobe
Lynne Truss
M. C. A. Hogarth
M. J. Engh
M. John Harrison
M. R. Forbes
M. T. Anderson
Marc Alexander
Mari Ness
Maria Dahvana Headley
Marie Louise Berneri
Marina and Sergey Dyachenko
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marissa Meyer
Mark Lawrence
Mark Twain
Marnia Robinson
Martha Wells
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Martin Meadows
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Matt Martinez
Matthew Syed
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Maurice Leblanc
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Melissa Snark
Mercedes Lackey
Michael Bishop
Michael Bunker
Michael Campling
Michael Cannell
Michael Marshall Smith
Michael Reaves
Michael Siebenbrodt
Michael Thomas Ford
Mickey Zucker Reichert
Miri Yu
Miyamoto Musashi
Monique Roffey
Morihei Ueshiba
Muriel Barbery
Murray Constantine
N. K. Jemisin
Naoki Higashida
Naomi Novik
Natasha Bowen
Natsu Miyashita
Neal Stephenson
Neil Cowling
Neil Gaiman
Nicholas Erik
Nick Bradley
Nicola Griffith
Nicole Grotepas
Nina George
Nnedi Okorafor
Noam Chomsky
Noriko Morishita
Oisín Fagan
Okakura Kakuzo
Olaf Stapledon
P. Djèlí Clark
P. G. Wodehouse
Pádraig Kenny
Paolo Bacigalupi
Pascal Mercier
Pat Cadigan
Patricia Loofbourrow
Patrick McCabe
Patrick S Tomlinson
Patrick Süskind
Patti Callahan Henry
Patty Jansen
Paul Heingarten
Paul Kitcatt
Paul McAuley
Paul Tremblay
Paula A Freedman PsyD
Penelope Fitzgerald
Peter F. Hamilton
Peter Gay
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Peter Jelavich
Peter Mayle
Peter Nichols
Phaedra Patrick
Phaedra Weldon
Philip Harris
Philip K. Dick
Philippa Stanton
Pippa DaCosta
Poul Anderson
R. A. Lafferty
R. D. Laing
R. H. Ives Gammell
Rachel Aaron
Rachel Caine
Rachel Pollack
Rajyashree Pandey
Ray Bradbury
Ray Nelson
Raymond E. Feist
Rebecca Roanhorse
Rich Roll
Richard Bach
Richard Matheson
Richard Morgan
Richard W. McCormick
Rob Thurman
Robert A. Heinlein
Robert Bloch
Robert Browning
Robert Dinsdale
Robert I. Katz
Robert J. Sawyer
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert M. Pirsig
Robert Maurer
Robert Silverberg
Robert Wright
Robin Hobb
Robin Sloan
Roger Williams
Roger Zelazny
Rohinton Mistry
Rosemary Edghill
Ross Brawn
Ross Thomas
Ruth Hogan
Ruth Pavey
Ruth Plumly Thompson
Sabrina Locke
Salley Vickers
Samuel R. Delany
Sarah Harvey
Sasha Miller
Sayaka Murata
Scott Hutchins
Scott Jurek
Scott Lynch
Seanan McGuire
Sei Shonagon
Seth Rain
Shaun Bythell
Shelley Adina
Sheri S. Tepper
Shunmyo Masuno
Shunryu Suzuki
Sid Watkins
Simon Doonan
Simon Funk
Soetsu Yanagi
Sosuke Takahashi
Stanislaw Lem
Stephanie Butland
Stephanie Garber
Stephany Brandt
Stephen Baxter
Steve Ingham
Steve Magness
Steve Stirling
Steven Brown
Steven Pressfield
Stewart Lee
Stieg Larsson
Su Bristow
Susan Forward
Susan Shwartz
Susanna Clarke
Suzette Haden Elgin
T. Aaron Payton
T. H. White
T. J. Bass
Takuan Soho
Tamsyn Muir
Tara Maya
Ted Chiang
Terry Pratchett
Theodore Sturgeon
Thomas Hoover
Thomas Pynchon
Tim Jeal
Tom Holt
Tom Vanderbilt
Tommy Newberry
Tony Bertauski
Tor Udall
Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Tove Jansson
Trevor A. Dutcher
Tricia Sullivan
Tunde Farrand
Ursula K. Le Guin
Vera Nazarian
Vernor Vinge
Veronica Roth
W. H. Davies
Walter Jon Williams
Walter M. Miller Jr
Walter Tevis
Wendy Jones
William Forstchen
William Gibson
William Goldman
William Manners
William S. Burroughs
William Tenn
Yamuna Zake
Yann Martel
Yasmine Galenorn
Yasutaka Tsutsui
Yoko Ogawa
Yoshida Kenkō
Yudhanjaya Wijeratne
Yukari Mitsuhashi
Yukimi Ogawa
Yutaka Yazawa
Zack Whedon
Zygmunt Miłoszewski
Cat Sparks
Una McCormack
Pregnancy Diary — Yoko Ogawa
15 October 2021
19 August 2024
Yoko’s Page
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The Cafeteria in the Evening and a Pool in the Rain — Yoko Ogawa
The Diving Pool — Yoko Ogawa