This small book is a selection of quotes from Essays in Idleness.
The writer begins the book with this statement:
What strange folly, to beguile the tedious hours like this all day before my ink stone, jotting down at random the idle thoughts that cross my mind “¦
We are then regaled with a selection of those random thoughts, and quite good thoughts some of them are too.
Although written approx 1330 in Japan, a lot of these thoughts are as relevant today in the wider world as they were back then. Yes, admittedly, some might be a bit dated and endemic but there are some very timeless thoughts for the modern, wider world to enjoy as well.
There’s also a delightful curmudgeonliness to the thoughts, like you’re listening to your favourite grand parent having a rant about what’s bothering them this week.
I shall certainly get a copy of Essays in Idleness and have a full read of Yoshida Kenkō’s thoughts.