Orphan, Dodger, Soldier, Spy — Kathleen McClure

Orphan, Dodger, Soldier, Spy -- Kathleen McClure

This is a back story to the main Gideon Quinn adventures, giving us a bit more of Gideon’s past than is revealed to us in the main books.

In this book we’re taken back to Gideon’s time in the war when Gideon takes a couple of his soldiers to go behind enemy lines to steal some secret documents.   We also get to know how Gideon ends up with all the scars.

Only a short novella kind of thing, but still a good little episode that gives us a bit more history to Gideon’s character.

I would suggest reading this after Soldier of Fortune, and then follow it up with The Longest Shard, which i have jumped straight into after finishing this book.

Kathleen’s Page

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